Page 30 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 30

Do YOU know what the Keeshond

                   ‘Versatility Awards’ are?

                        By Lisa McCorrie

        “What on earth are they?” I muttered,  dog  or  scent
        as I scanned through the Keeshond   mesmerises
        Club  website.  I  was  considering  him.)
        whether I should join the Keeshond  But more,
        Club.  We were never going to be able  he’s such a
        to  show,  nor  to  breed  -  which  people
        appeared  to  be  what  most  of  the  pleaser
        website  was  about  -  so  I  was  and so it
        wondering what, if anything, we could  was most natural for him
        participate in, contribute to or benefit  to become first a Therapy Dog. And
        from, if I joined as a member.      it was just plain sensible to put him
                                            through  his  Good  Citizen’s  Dog
        Having  been  newly  “owned  by  a
        Keeshond” (I love that phrase), I was  Scheme  awards.    So  we  briefly
        besotted  from  the  get  go.    I  felt  succumbed to a local dog club where
        privileged  to  be  partnered  with  this  Brody achieved his Bronze, Silver and
        beautiful animal.  I was both proud  Gold awards in 3 consecutive weeks!
        of  my  most  glorious  of  dogs  and  Shame there’s no Guinness Book of
        everyone’s  adoration  of  him,  and  Records for this as I’m told this may
        touched that he could reach so many  be the 1st time these 3 awards have
        hearts,  and  make  so  many  people  ever been achieved so quickly.
        not  just  smile,  but  grin  or  gasp,  Despite this progress and the range
        in  reciprocation  to  this  “Smiling  of  home  tricks  I’d  taught  him  (and
        Dutchman”.                          that make me giggle - like his dead
                                            fly impersonation, kicking the football
                              After our first
                              few  months,  and playing “Peek-a-Boo”) I realised
                              as  much  as  that  I  needed  to  look  for  other
                              we loved      activities to let Brody shine. I really
                              informal      enjoyed  the  accomplishment  of
                              training      training  him  myself,  so  didn’t  want
                              together      dog  classes  to  take  over  my  role
                              Brody was     unnecessarily.  I didn’t want to be too
                              evidently     absorbed  or  competitive.    Brody
                              ahead of me.  needed more – but what?
                              Almost        The  break  came  that  spring.  I  ran
                              everything  I  Airbnb  in  my  home  and  living  in
                              taught  him   Birmingham, I had my usual annual
        anew he astounded me by delivering  houseful  of  wonderfully  behaved
        on  first  attempt  or  within  minutes.  doggy guests for Crufts (along with
        It’s like he understood English! (Don’t  their owners). That year a new lady
        get  me  wrong,  he’s  as  self-willed  booked  with  her  two  delightful
        and as deaf as can be when another  Shelties.  She was part of the Sheltie
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