Page 25 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 25

50  years  of  the  breed  Club.  Mrs
                                            Wingfield Digby had been unable to
                                            attend due to failing health.
                                            At the time the editor was Mrs Audrey
                                            Woodiwiss of the Duroya affix and the
                                            secretary,  Miss  Barbara  Glover,  a
                                            position she held for 25 years before
                                            becoming president until her death.
                                            Our  much-loved  Mrs  Rosie  Francis
                                            was a new committee member that
                                            year and would be going on to hold
                                            the office of President for many years.
               Terschiling and Thennis
              (Source: The Iceland Dog)
                                            The  Summer  1975  Newsletter  was
                                            packed  with  reports  on  the  Golden
                                            Jubilee  celebrations  along  with  a
                                            tribute  to  Mrs  Wingfield  Digby  and
                                            reminiscences on how the breed had
                                            changed since the early imports.

                                            The actual celebration, a meal after
                                            the AGM, was held in the April.  The
                                            guests  of  honour  were  Sir  Richard
                                            Glyn,  Chairman  of  the  Kennel  Club
                                            and Mrs Kay Wight who went on to
                                            write and co-write many classic dog
                                            books.  In her account of the event
                                            she  commented  on  the  kindness  of
                                            those present.  The cake was topped
                                            by a “sparkling Keeshond” and cut by
                                            Sir Richard.  Mike Stockman, who was
                                            stepping  down  as  Chairman  at  the
                                            event,  gave  his  thanks  to  the
                                            breeders  who  had  kept  the  breed
                                            going through the second World War
                                            and who brought them to popularity
               Mrs Gwendolen Wingfield Digby -
              our founder with her book     after  hostilities  ceased.  Particular
                                            mention was given to Mrs Wingfield
                                            Digby,   Baroness    Burton,   Mrs
        With  our  Queen  celebrating  her
        Platinum Jubilee and the breed Club  Anderson, Miss Hastings, Mrs Tucker
                                            and  Mrs  Greenwood  -  now  that
        looking  forward  to  its  imminent
        centenary, I was interested to come  certainly  is  a  hall  of  fame  for  the
        across the summer edition of the Club  greats  of  our  breed.    Others  to  get
        newsletter  celebrating  the  Golden  thanks that day were Mr Jere Collins,
        Jubilee  in  1975.  Various  senior  Mrs Muschamp, Mrs Gatacre for her
        members were reflecting on the first  iconic book on the breed, Mrs Cahill

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