Page 24 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 24

My  own  love  affair  with  the  breed  Many years later whilst visiting Miss
        started  in  1957  when  a  chance  Davidson,  of  Ch  Hans  Silver  Myst
        conversation with a friend of one of  fame,  she  confirmed  that  the  dogs
        my mother’s friends resulted in a trip  living in the children’s home were Van
        to the local children's home to see a  Zaandam breeding.  It is because of
        litter of Keeshond puppies who were  Sally that I have enjoyed a lifetime
                               n e e d i n g  with  our  exceptional  breed  for  the
                               homes.  My   past 65 years.
                               mother was
                               sent  with   Sally was somewhat of a throwback
                               the   strict  to some of the early Dutch type. The
                               instruction  photo of Barkles with Zaandam and
                               from    my   their pups shows that Barkles was not
                               father  that  dissimilar to Sally.
                               it had to be
                               a male.  My
                               mum  had
                               grown  up
                               with  males
                               but on
          Sally, my first Keeshond
        arrival  at  the  home  was  enchanted
        by  the  only  bitch  in  the  litter.
        Mentioning  her  dilemma  to  the
        matron the suggestion that she and       Barkles and Zaandam with puppies
        some of the older boys could take the
        pups  for  my  dad  and  I  to  see  was  One  of  my  first  litter  back  in  1986
        accepted.  With the puppies running  went to live with an Austrian lady who
        around on our kitchen floor, Dad and  was a neighbour of an aunt.  Lia had
        I soon agreed on the one we would   at  one  time  been  a  kennel  maid  to
        like and it was the little bitch.  From  Mark  Watson  of  Wensum  kennels.
        that day our fate was sealed.       An  American,  he  had  the  Norwich
                                            Terrier, as both ear types were then
        I mention this because Sally was not  known, but had also imported some
        what people would recognise now as  Iceland dogs.  Lia gave me his book
        a Kees although in the 50’s, when our  ‘The  Iceland  Dog’  which  included
        breed was much more popular, it was  information  about  Mrs  Wingfield
        not uncommon for people to stop us  Digby  who  had  also  imported  two
        and  acknowledge  that  she  was  a  Iceland dogs.  Amongst other images
                                            there  was  one  of  the  first  two
                                            Keeshonden our founder imported.

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