Page 22 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 22

Considerate Dogs

                                                         By Sally Newman

        With several dogs living in the house
        they can get a bit on top of each other
        at times.  Mostly they do not like to
        snuggle up together at all, preferring
        their own space, but often lie in front
        of one of their chairs when there is
        another one asleep in it above them.
        It is amazing how they show respect
        for each other in these situations.  I
        once  watched  Bolt,  who  was  in  a
        chair,  thinking  about  how  he  could
        get  off  because  May  was  stretched
        out in front of it.  After looking at her  Flo licking Cassie
        he very carefully got down over the
        arm  of  the  chair  to  avoid  jumping  The  most  amazing  thing,  which
        over  her.    Cassie,  (now  deceased),  happened in 2012, was when I had
        was  also  considerate.    Again  she  both Maddy and Cassie mated within
        paused and thought about how to get  a few days of each other.  Cassie had
        down whilst avoiding the sleeping one  puppies  but  Maddy  didn’t.    After
        in front of her.  She would choose to  Cassie’s pups were born Maddy was
        take a very big jump over the top or,  obviously broody because she wanted
        if  there  was  room,  would  very  to  get  into  the  whelping  box  with
        carefully get past at one side or the  Cassie  who  did  not  mind  at  all.
        other.                              However,  the  pups  tried  to  suckle
                                            from Maddy so I had to keep her out
        Great  Grandma,  Maddy,  aged  13,
        (deceased), had two chairs she liked  while they were feeding and then she
        to sleep in and would often decide to  would  go  in  and  help  Cassie  clean
                                            them.  It really was something very
        get down from one and get up into
        the other one.  No such respect for  special to see and showed the close
        the  ones  sleeping  by  her  chairs  bond and trust they had as mother
        however.  She just got up or down   and daughter.
        and  the  others  were  the  ones  who
        had to move for her!  They became
        aware of what she was trying to do
        and  just  moved  out  of  her  way
        showing such respect for the elderly.
        Cassie and daughter Flo were the two
        who would often lie side by side, with
        Flo more often than not being the one
        to  seek  out  her  mum.    Then  she
        would begin to wash Cassie’s face or
        ears and Cassie responded by doing
        the same to Flo.  They very obviously
        adored each other.
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