Page 14 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 14

The Root Cause of Exhibitors Dissatisfaction

                       By Andrew Brace - 15 July 2017

         An extract from a letter published in Dog World submitted by
               Allan Wadmore (with permission from the author)
                 for inclusion in The Keeshond Club Newsletter.

          As Editor I recognise that this article does not make for easy reading for
          the overall sport of dog showing but feel that it should not be a reason to
          shield ourselves from what is perceived to be going on.
          Perhaps it is also not a bad thing to examine our own practices to ensure
          that we, as ambassadors of the Keeshond breed of today, always sit on
          the right side of the fence in this as shining examples of 'how it should be
          done' and so reap the potential benefit of our breed numbers at shows
          increasing while others may be falling away.                   Ed.

        The article:
        Three years ago I wrote an article in  and if my informants are correct I am
        Dog World with the above title which  told  this  group  has  three  years  to
        seemed to touch such a nerve with   come  to  some  conclusions.    Three
        so  many  people  that  it  received  years?  Why so long?
        hundreds of comments as soon as it  In the first instance we need to look
        was published and it went viral.  I had  dispassionately at the role of the dog
        endless requests for the article to be  show  in  modern  society.    Originally
        reproduced in breed club magazines  it  was  a  vehicle  which  deliberately
        worldwide and wherever it appeared  set  out  to  give  breeders  the
        it prompted a reaction.  Three years  opportunity  to  exhibit  and  compare
        on,  I  feel  it  might  be  pertinent  to  breeding  stock.    Seeing  other
        quote  the  original  article  and  ask  if  breeders'  dogs  at  a  show  enabled
        anything has changed.               breeders  to  determine  what  was
        This is what caused so much         available in the way of stud dogs, who
                                            was  producing  what,  and  the  old
                                            breeders  were  very  much  of  the
        "There  has  recently  been  much
        publicity  given  to  the  fact  that  dog  stockman variety, as were the judges
                                            of the day who in many cases often
        show entries are dwindling, that new
        people are not entering the sport and  judged other forms of livestock."
        staying  with  it  and  we  have    "Today dog shows are not just about
        comparatively  few  young  people   large  scale  breeders  monitoring
        seriously  involved  in  many  breeds.  breeding stock.  In the main they are
        The  Kennel  Club  has  now  set  up  a  social events where dog owners meet
        working party to canvas opinion as to  up with their friends, some of whom
        what  can  be  done  to  stem  the  tide  are  more  committed  to  allied

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