Page 4 - Online Spring 2022 Newsletter
P. 4


                                                    Mary Randall

                                                       1928 - 2021

        We  are  very  sorry  to  have  to  They  heard  of  a  seven-month
        announce the death of Mary Randall,  'pedigree' bitch in need of a home as
        a prominent figure in the history of  the  owner  was  ill.    They  could  not
        our breed. Below follows part of an  believe that she was pedigree - not
        article  taken  from  the  Dec  2001  knowing   anything   about   the
        edition of ‘Keeshonds Today’ written  Keeshond  and  particularly  as  they
        by David Matthews.  It forms a very  had  her  at  the  'ugly'  stage.    'Judy'
        fitting  tribute  to  her  life  in  the  settled and a bond was formed.  She
        Keeshond world:                     was devoted to the family and they
                                            loved her - especially with their two
        ‘From  a  child  Mary  had  an  affinity
        towards  animals  -  especially  dogs;  children.  A great ambassador for the
        understandable   since   she   was  breed.  The baby was put out in her
                                            pram  in  the  garden  (you  could  do
        brought up with a dog in the family.
                                            that  in  those  days)  and  Judy  took
        Her grandfather had Borzois and sold
        one  to  Queen  Alexandra  (Mary    it upon herself to lie under the pram
        stresses  before  her  time),  and  one  'on  guard'  and  woe  betide  any
        was  employed  to  be  in  a  London  stranger  coming  near.    Eventually
        stage show.  The other breed he had  Mary  and  her  husband  moved  into
        was  Field  Spaniels  and  she  does  their  own  home  leaving  Judy  with
        remember a father and son; Tim and  John's parents as she was their dog.
        Bob.                                After  a  few  weeks  Judy  became
                                            disinterested in life and off her food.
        As a young girl she used to go off to  Can you guess why?  She was pining
        the  dog  shows  held  in  the  Corn  for the children and the family - the
        Exchange  in  Cambridge  and  they  house was too quiet!  So Judy came
        were benched, so she already had an  to live with her favourite family and
        interest in showing!  So how did Mary  was happy again.  She was replaced
        and John Randall become acquainted  by Mary's father-in-law with a black
        with the Keeshond?  It was through  Cocker Spaniel - Perry.  Judy's kennel
        Mary's father-in-law (they were living  name was Seyn Blackie (sire Tommy
        with  John's  parents  at  the  time),  Tucker  of  Evenlode  -  Dam  Fonality
        whose  Wire-Haired  Fox  Terrier  had  Van Zaandam) and she was born Oct
        died;  leaving  him  without  a  dog.  13th 1948.
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