Page 38 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 38


                         6/9/2008 – 24/5/2023
                                                 adventurous and simply enjoyed
                                                 life to the full.
                                                 At  the  age  of  12  poor  health
                                                 befell her.  It was then that her
                                                 determination  to  survive  was
                                                 really  put  to  the  test.    She
                                                 developed  laryngeal  paralysis
                                                 and  it  was  whilst  at  Anderson
                                                 Moores  specialist  vets  that
                                                 extensive  tests  also  revealed
                                                 immune  mediated  polyarthritis
                                                 (IMPA).    A  tie-back  was
                                                 performed  which  apart  from
        In the words of the late, great Tina  assisting her breathing also stopped
        Turner, 'Simply The Best'.  Poppy was  her characteristic howling!  She came
        born at Neradmik. Her first home was  home on 21 tablets a day but finally
        with Urszula Ransley. She produced  the  IMPA  resolved.  One  Sunday
        2 litters of 5 & 9 and was a dedicated  January night in 2021 she developed
        and attentive mother.               bloat, unheard of in our breed, and
                                            we  rushed  to  Anderson  Moores  at
        At  5½  years  Urszula  entrusted  her
        to  me  and  she  soon  took  my    4:00am  to  be  met  by  a  lovely  vet
                                            who hurried down from Basingstoke
        shattered  life  into  her  loving  care.
        She  accompanied  me  into  all  my  to  perform  the  urgent  lifesaving
        meetings and won the hearts of many  procedure.
        of my 1,200 strong team, including  On Wednesday 24th May we walked
        some who were frightened or didn't  hand in hand to the Bridge.  Kidney
        like dogs.  She travelled over 10,000  disease finally took its toll, she was
        miles  in  the  motorhome  with  the  partially sighted, rather deaf and had
        Keesie  family,  both  in  the  UK  and  doggy dementia but I loved her and
        while visiting France, Spain, Portugal  now miss her terribly.  Every day I
        and Italy.                          still  hear  her  in  my  head  softly
                                            barking  but  know  she  is  now  safe.
        Poppy  was  one  of  a  kind,  always
        gentle  and  sometimes  annoyingly  The memories of her gift of life are
        stubborn.  She  possessed  some     now  all  I  have  of  this  wonderful
        unique  habits!  She  was  flirtatious,  companion.  I will cherish the host of
        fun-loving,  always  entertaining  and  lovely comments which her friends so
                                            generously  made  on  Facebook,
        had  a  great  sense  of  mischief  and
        humour  and  was  ever  willing  and  private messaging and by email.
        beautiful until the very dignified end.  My heart is split in two.  One half is
        This  gentle  lady  was  born  to  love.  filled  with  beautiful  memories,  the
        She was neither dragged around the  other went with her.  Rest in peace
        country  chasing  bits  of  recycled  darling,  life  will  never  be  the  same
        cardboard nor did she live her life in  without you at my side.
        a cage in a caravan awning!  She was
                                                                Allan Wadmore
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