Page 36 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 36
hedge. Cinders just loved this. One vet, Mark, even gave her a kiss. She
time she was faced with five big steps only made a little squeak when the
to be with Flo, knew it was too much microchip went in.
so she turned and found her way to Cinders became very aware that she
the single step at the other end of the was being left behind when I walked
patio. I knew I had a very clever little Bolt and Flo, and did bark a few
times, but had always stopped by the
Cinders progressed as pups always time I got from the back door
do, and was so delightful. As I had up to the
had two years of isolation
because of Covid,
she brought such
a ray of sunshine
into my life and I
was happier than I
had been for a long
time. I do not have
many visitors, but
my best friend came
every week and my
daughter and grand-
son came to see us
twice. Mario brought
a squeaky toy which
Cinders loved. She and
Flo often played with it In the big garden with Bolt and Flo.
together. They just front door to lock up.
adored each other and It was so lovely to have her greet us
often slept side by side. Flo went on on our return, this fluffy bundle
feeding Cinders as long as she waiting for the door to open.
wanted to, and it appeared they She loved being outside with Flo and
stopped my mutual agreement I would often peep out to see what
around 9 ½ weeks old as Flo never they were doing during the evening,
told her off when she wanted to and they would either be romping
suckle. quietly or just sitting watching the
world going by. I also loved to see
I invited a few other dog owning
friends as Cinders needed to be them trot by the patio doors. When
socialised. She did not like being in I was watching TV or on the
the puppy cage for travelling to the computer, there Cinders would be at
vet for her first inoculation at eight my feet. She had two mums of
weeks, but did not cry too much. It course, what a pampered pup she
was too hot for me to take Flo as well was.
as I would have had to leave her in I have two separate parts to my
the car. However, Cinders did not garden, with a wire fence between,
mind being on the table at the vets, so when she was 9 weeks old I let her
and everyone just loved her, and my come out into the ‘big garden’ where