Page 37 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
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there are trees and a sloping bank of but could not do it this time, aged
shrubs. Cinders was delighted with only 10 ½ weeks! I was devastated!
this, and would come and sit with me Flo gave her a little lick on her face
when I was weeding or follow the and walked away, so I wrapped her
other two around to investigate. I in a blanket and put her in the car
had to lift her up and down into this ready to take her to the vet the
area as the step was too big, but by following morning. I then phoned my
now she could manage the big flights daughter to tell her what had
of steps at the sides of the house, happened. I have had dogs for 50
both up and down. There was one years, but have never experience
day when she ran down so fast that anything as terrible as this. (Later my
she fell on the second but last step, vet confirmed it could only have been
but picked herself up and was not a severe heart attack or brain
bothered at all. aneurysm.) Cinders had always been
a very healthy puppy and had never
I often brought them in for a rest
around 9:30 – 10:00pm and Cinders even been sick. She was always full
would go to sleep under one of the of energy and never lethargic, so it
dog chairs in the back room. I had was a total shock for this to happen.
to slide her out at bedtime when it As I write I am still crying for my
was time to go for a pee. Cinders beautiful Cinders. I miss her so
always obliged and was fully house much. I will never know what she
trained by 9 weeks old as I left the would have looked like as an adult,
back door open all day. At night Flo but will always remember this
needed to go out, so Cinders went wonderful puppy.
then too, and there were no puddles I have lovely photos of Cinders in
or messes to come down to in the most rooms of the house so I can see
morning. I did try using newspaper, her every day. My five favourite ones
but with only one pup, I did not need
are in the window near me when I am
to put down a huge amount and she on the computer and I have a super
usually missed it, so I gave up and large one in my ‘dog photo gallery’ in
just wiped up the puddles when she my sitting room, so she will always
was younger. It was all very different be part of my doggie family.
having just the one puppy. I had
planned to keep a female from this
litter anyway, and I was really looking
forward to taking her out for walks
and going to Dog Club for some show
But it was not to be, because on In memory of
bringing Flo and Cinders in from Leazehond Cinderella
playing with a ball one evening at 16.4.22 – 28.6.22
9:30pm, because it had started to
rain, I put the ball on the side, heard
a little squeak, turned round and my
precious Cinders was dead on the
floor! I tried CPR but she was already
gone. I had saved her life at birth