Page 32 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 32

definitely helps having taught him to
                                            turn left and right on voice command!
                                            When my last car had died its death,
                                            I had 5 new cars to go view in a day,
                                            but  as  plentiful  as  the  buses  are  in
                                            our area, the random locations were
                                            impossible by bus route.  So Brody
                                            and  I  set  off  on  a  circular  route
                                            around the suburbs, a 20 mile round
                                            trip, interspersed by car viewings into
                                            the city and back – all by bike!  I was
                                            most  impressed  with  our  mutual
                                            achievement.  Canal tow paths are a
        …and dancing…                       much more pleasant, restful and less
        I’m  looking  forward  to  the  warmer  risky route though my favourite are
        weather when Brody and I can paddle  seaside beach paths.
        board  together  again.    In  the  Brody  has  such  a  constant  pace,
        meantime,  I  have  found  no  more  running  beside  me  cycling,  he
        efficient  and  enjoyable  way  of  looks  like  a  long-distance  runner,
        exercising  -  both  dog  and  owner  -  striding  out.    Clearly  loving  every
        than cycling together.
                                            minute.  Brody trotting alongside me
                                            brings many a “coo” or a car honk.
                                            However,  the  one  pitfall  is  when
                                            poo-time calls!! Oh BOY does he pull
                                            up sharply!  This is the only time he
                                            has ever nearly had me off my bike!
                                            To go from several mph cycling speed
                                            to suddenly slamming his brakes on,
                                            with  NO  notice,  nor  even  gearing
                                            down,  Brody  suddenly  has  the
                                            strength  of  an  Ox  in  being  able  to
                                            bring  me  to  a  halt,  like  a  donkey
                                            digging it’s hooves in.  When a dog’s
                                            gotta go – he’s just GOTTA GO!  Right
        As you can imagine, I was incredibly  there and then!  Whether mid stretch
        cautious at first - imagining Brody’s  of road, negotiating a corner, when
        incessant   sniffing,   continuous  walking  my  bike  half  way  across  a
        zigzagging,  or  want  to  dart  after  road! or even at traffic lights – when
        other  dogs,  sending  me  flying  over  the  lights  are  green  of  course!!
        the  handlebars  or,  worse,  under  a  Poo-time is never so urgent, instant,
        car…!  But 2 years of cycling together  or  immoveable  as  when  we  are
        has seen not one such incident.  He  cycling  together!    Something  to
        runs beside me, to heel on my left,  definitely improve on . . .
        like clockwork, attached via my belt
        lead around my waist, adjusted so as  It is lonely being a Kees parent.  We
        not too much leeway!!  And an extra  long to hang out with others of our
        bottle  of  water,  of  course.    It  kind so it was uplifting, as ever, and

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