Page 28 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 28
Discover Dogs
By Iain, Kitty and Gill
The Keeshond Club organised the
Discover Dogs stand at the Excel
Centre London, over the two days of
the event, 15 /16 October. Kitty
and Iain brought their four legged
stars, Henry (3 years) and Marmite
(8 years) on the Saturday. On the
Sunday they were joined by Gill and
Rupert as the baby of the group at 18
The location of the booth being on a
corner meant that Keeshond stand
was very well attended. On the
Saturday within 10 minutes of
opening the venue was extremely full.
There was a constant flow of visitors
until around 15 minutes before event
closure. On the Sunday the day
started off slower for the first hour,
but was busier until the last hour of
the event. There was almost a
constant stream of people enquiring
on both days about the dogs. see the breed. This included on both
days children who brought their
parents to ask questions about the
breed as well as asking the most
appropriate questions on dog
ownership! On both days all four
legged attendees did themselves
proud demonstrating grooming, tricks
and general breed traits as well as
responsible dog ownership.
On the Sunday we were visited by the
Kennel Club chief executive, Mark
Beaszley to thank us for attendance.
Towards the end of the day we were
In addition to current and former visited by a TV film crew recording
owners, there were a lot of people behaviour and tricks demonstrations
who had researched the breed and for a potential programme later in the
made a concerted effort to visit and year.