Page 30 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 30

The Continuing Adventures


                                                            By Lisa McCorrie

                                            meaningfully.    Keesies  are  so  food
                                            orientated  and  eager  to  please,
                                            making trainability as easy as can be
                                            for us.  They really can’t wait to show
                                            off  to  you  what  they  can  really
                                            achieve  if  we  will  but  assist  their
                                            growth and range of activities.  And
        My exclamation last edition was that  remember the added incentive of the
        …  “A  Kees  is,  without  a  doubt,  the  club’s Versatility Awards to encourage
        most intelligent and teachable dog I  and award skill diversity beyond just
        have  ever  encountered.    I  am  sure  ‘showing’.
        this must be so of Kees in general; it  Talking  of  Versatility  Awards,  an
        can’t  just  be  mine.”  …I  have   addendum  to  my  original  article  of
        discovered has true foundation!
                                            Spring  2022.    It  was  not  until  I
        I  am  excited  to  share  with  you  entered them again this year, anew
        the  findings  of  Stanley  Coren,  a  post  Covid,  it  was  revealed  that,
        psychology  professor  and  neuro-  rather  than  being  a  recognition  of
        psychological  researcher  -  highly  your  Kees’  accomplishments  each
        acclaimed  for  his  research  and  year,  it  is  rather  a  rolling  life
        understanding  of  canine  behaviour  progression Award.  This means that,
        and the human-canine bond.  In his  whichever level you reach, your next
        book  “The  Intelligence  of  Dogs”,  of  year’s achievements are added to the
        130  breeds  he  tested,  Coren     previous  year’s  points,  which  stay
        publishes his list of the top 100 most  with you; so progressing at your own
        intelligent  and  trainable  breeds.  pace up the ladder from Bronze until
        Unsurprisingly  the  border  collie  you  reach,  on  aggregate,  the  top
        comes  first,  while  our  beloved  level  Platinum  Award.    So  I
        Keeshond is ranked equal 16  , right  bemusedly  discovered  when  my
        alongside other collies!  We fit under  application this year was refused as
        his 2  category of “Excellent working  I  had  already  reached  the  top
        dogs:   Understanding    of   new   Platinum level in my first attempt.
        commands  in  5  to  15  repetitions.  So what is my Kees up to next?  I’m
        Obey first command 85% of the time  so   proud   of   Brody’s   speedy
        or better.”
                                            progression in Rally, competing now
        “NOT just a pretty face!”  A proven  at  top  level  6  and  winning  rosettes
        smart  cookie  -  now  we  have  NO  for  most  rounds.    For  this  he  has
        excuse not to maximise and show off  learned around 80! different moves,
        their  capabilities,  stimulate  their  and it has been so enjoyable for both
        intellect  and  expand  their  play  of  us.    In  considering  which  new
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