Page 29 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 29
Hopefully in the future they can
enlarge the breed areas as most of
the time there was little room for
people to visit breed stands due to
the event popularity.
On a final note, we’d like to like to
thank Geraldine Clark for all her hard
work, support and never flailing
There were enquiries from people
interested in a puppy post Covid and despite many questions via telephone
there was generally an understanding and bombardment of emails from us,
that there would be a wait for a the stand volunteers. We’d also like
suitable puppy to be available, which to thank Maj. GO Evitts for his behind
could be months and require a long the scenes ferrying of hounds,
distance to visit. supplying humans with caffeinated
beverages and snacks and the dogs
with constant supplies of water and
also the carrying of various heavy
items back to cars once we had closed
the stall down.
As a whole there were limited trade
stands at the event. The event is
noticeably different to the stands at
Crufts in that people are mainly A great
coming to find about dogs, breeds time was
and ownership as opposed to being a had by all!
current owner.