Page 24 - 9 Spring 2023 Newsletter
P. 24

Tooth Brushing

                                            mouth.  Keep offering lots of praise
                                            throughout  the  entire  procedure.
                                            When  you  dog  is  comfortable  with
                                            finger  brushing  then  you  can  begin
                                            to introduce the toothbrush to them.
                                            Wet the brush with a small amount
                                            of  water  and  apply  the  toothpaste
                                            pushing  it  well  into  the  bristles.
                                            Begin with just a few teeth at a time
                                            and  gradually  increase  the  number
                                            of teeth brushed.

        Brushing  your  dog’s  teeth  can
        become  a  fun  and  enjoyable  part
        of  your  daily  routine.    Begin  with
        either  a  special  dog  toothbrush  or
        alternatively a child’s toothbrush with
        soft rounded bristles.  You MUST use
        a  dog  specific  toothpaste  as  the
        fluoride in human toothpaste can be
        toxic to your dog.
        First  begin  by  introducing  the
        toothpaste  to  your  dog  by  putting
        some  on  your  finger  and  then
        allowing them to lick it off.  Make the
        session  enjoyable  by  giving  lots  of  To  do  the  molars  and  pre-molars
        praise, repeat this for 3-5 days.  The  gently lift the lip but do not open your
        next step is to put the finger with the  dog’s mouth completely as they will
        toothpaste on into your dog’s mouth  not  like  this.    Finally  brush  the
        and  gently  massage  the  teeth  and  incisors by lifting the upper and lower
                                            lips together and use an upwards and
        gums,  this  will  get  them  used  to
        having their mouth handled.  Repeat  downwards  motion  to  gently  clean
        this  until  your  dog  is  comfortable  the teeth.  If done routinely your dog
        with  finger  brushing  then  begin  to  will come to enjoy these sessions.
        introduce more paste and move your  Other products are available to help
        finger around to different parts of the  you  keep  your  dog’s  teeth  clean;

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