Page 50 - IBRO_RNA School_Abstract Book
P. 50

Answer: Malat1

               (b)Is this gene a coding gene or a non-coding gene?
               ☐Coding gene

               ☐Non-coding gene

               It is a non -coding  gene; you can see this from the thickness of the blue line.  Coding
               regions are shown with a thick bar.

               (c)If you use this primer pair for RT-qPCR, what is the expected product size (in basepairs)?

               Answer: 123bp (slight differences may be expected if you are using click and drag to
               zoom in. Some people answered by giving the range of sizes acceptable in a RT-PCR
               reaction. The question was about using the browser to find the exact, expected size from
               the genome.


               The following primers can be used to detect the expression of which gene in mouse?
               Forward primer- CTGATCGTTTGGTGCTGTGT

               Reverse primer- CCCTGAACACCCACTCAGTT

               ☐Specifically Xist

               ☐Specifically Tsix

               ☐Both Tsix and Xist

               ☐Neither Tsix nor Xist

               Ans: Specifically XIST (see below; pay attention to the orientation of forward and reverse
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