Page 12 - Flipbook SMK Adhikawacana
P. 12

               2           ADVERBIAL CLAUSES

        Adverbial  clauses  are  dependent  clauses  that
        function  as  adverbs  and  provide  information
        about  verbs,  adjectives,  or  adverbs  that  are  in
        independent  clauses  with  the  capacity  to  answer
        questions such as: how, when, where, and why.

        Adverbial clauses are preceded by a subordinate
        conjunction       (after,   because,      when,      though,
        although,  etc).  Subordinate  conjunctions  function
        to  connect  adverbial  clauses  with  independent
        clauses.  This  combination  forms  a  complex

       In its use in sentences, adverbial clauses have their

             own formula to apply. What's the formula?

              Subordinate Conjunction + S + V +/- …

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