Page 16 - Flipbook SMK Adhikawacana
P. 16
Discussion about career
Instructions: In small groups, discuss each other's interests and career
goals. Give your opinion and reasons why you chose that career. Also
discuss the educational requirements and skills needed to achieve
these career goals. You can use Formal and Informal Greeting.
Informal Greeting : Use casual everyday language, such as Hello, Hay
guys!, Hay!
Formal Greeting : Use more polite and official language, such as, Good
Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, etc.
Note: You can ask the teacher for help if you have difficulty interpreting new vocabulary !
Activity Listening
Activity 1: Listen the conversation and answer the questions!
1. What is Liz, Anna, and Jim dream job? Scan Me!
2. Why did Anna really want to work
for retail companies?
3. How about Liz? Why did she want to
own her business?
4. What company does Jim want to work
5. What aspects should we know before
applying for a job in a company?