Page 17 - Flipbook SMK Adhikawacana
P. 17
Activity Reading
( Activity 1) Read the descriptive text below!
Professional Resources in the Digital Age
In the ever-evolving digital era, sources for obtaining information
about professions are increasingly diverse and easily accessible. As
Vocational High School (SMK) students, it is important for us to have
sources of information that can help us explore various professions
that are relevant to our study program. The following are some
sources of information that can help us gain a better understanding of
these processes :
Profession Guide: The professional guide is a very useful source of
information for SMK students. This guide contains job
descriptions, required qualifications, career paths, and
competencies that need to be mastered in various professions
related to our study program. These guidelines can be found in
brochures, books or online guides provided by professional
organizations or educational institutions. By reading the
professional guide, we can gain in-depth insights about these
Related Ministries or Service Websites: Ministries or agencies
related to our study program often provide information about
various related professions. For example, if we are studying
information technology, we can visit the websites of the Ministry of
Communication and Informatics or the Ministry of Education and
Culture which provide information about various professions in
the IT field. On this website, you can find job descriptions,
educational requirements, and information about career
opportunities in the field.