Page 18 - Flipbook SMK Adhikawacana
P. 18

Workplace  or  Industry  Visits:  If  possible,  we  can  make  visits  to
          companies  or  industries  related  to  our  study  program.  This  visit
          allows  us  to  see  first-hand  the  work  environment,  interact  with
          professionals, and get a better understanding of the profession we
          want to be in. To arrange this visit, we can consult with the teacher
          or school responsible.

          Career Events and Job Fairs: Attending career events and job fairs
          can  provide  an  opportunity  to  meet  face-to-face  professionals
          from a variety of industries. You can talk to them, ask them about
          the work they do, and get insight into career prospects in certain

          School Alumni: Contacting alumni who have worked in your area

          of   nterest  can  be  a  valuable  source  of  information.  Alumni  are
          often willing to share their experiences, provide advice, and even
          help you build relationships with relevant people in the industry.
       In  searching  for  sources  of  information  about  the  profession,  it  is
       important to verify and disclose the information you find. Make sure
       the  source  is  trustworthy  and  matches  your  career  needs  and
       interests.  Combine  multiple  sources  of  information  to  get  a
       comprehensive picture of the various professions available.

         Activity 2: Do This !

     Choose the answer below which is most correct based on the reading

       1. What is the purpose of a professional guide for SMK students?
         a) To provide job opportunities
         b) To list educational institutions
         c) To explain career paths and qualifications
         d) To offer online courses

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