Page 252 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 252


               Divisional  Stores  Organisation  in  Hyderabad  Division  is  headed  by  Senior  Divisional  Materials
               Manager. Sr.DMM also oversee the General Administration of DRM office /Hyderabad.

               The main activities are:

                1.  Local  Purchase  of  Non  stock  items  and  in  case  of  Emergency  stock  items,  whenever  not
                    available in feeding depots through GeM/IREPS. Medical items upto 1 Lakh are also being
                    procured through Division.
                2.  GeM Services: Previously all services done by the user department through IREPS,
                     now some of the services are being processed by Stores Department through GeM.
               3.  Mobilisation of Scrap and disposal through e-auction sale.



             Local Purchase                         GeM Services                           Sales Section

                                             Responsible for entering all
            Responsible for                                                               Responsible for

             purchases of                     service contacts for HYB               Identification, mobilization

           Non-Stock items                             Division
                                                                                    and disposal of scrap over
                                                                                           HYB Division

               STAFF  POSITION:

                                                        GROUP-C                       GROUP-D

               Sanctioned Posts                             21                            11
               On Roll                                      14                            01
               Vacancy                                      07                            10

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