Page 256 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 256
Works allotted and Progress
Plan Head No of works allotted
PH 1600 (Traffic Facility) 3
PH 3000 (ROB/RUB) 12
PH 4200 (Workshop) 1
PH 5300 (Passenger Amenities) 2
Bye Pass Works (FLS) 1
Status / Progress of works
PH 1600 (Traffic Facility)
S.N Name of work Year of Estimate Present Status
Sanctio d Cost
1 Nizamabad-Remodelling of yard 2018-19 Rs.8.798 Tender will be floated within a week
arrangements for providing additional 4 cr after sanctioning of Phase II work by
platforms and one full length dead end RB.
spur. TDC - 10.02.2023.
2 Janakampet Jn-Provision of two 2021-22 Rs.11.30 Agency finalised (Sept 22). Work is
Additional loop lines to cater the 62cr Progress.
operational needs.
3 Falaknuma - Provision of DN loop line 2021–22 Rs. Agency finalised (Sept 22). Work is
(Standard Double line layout). 8.5721 cr Progress.
PH 5300 (Passenger Amenities)
1 Kamareddi-Provision of 02 no.s of 2021–22 Rs. 0.72 P.O. released for 2nd lift, call for
Lifts at Kamareddi station. cr RITES inspection to be given by
agency. TDC - Dec 2022.
Work related to CMLR Workshop/Kurnool
1 SC – DHNE section: Alampur Road: - - Planning for execution of works
Execution of Yard remodelling works shall be done along with Sr DOM to
including formation treatment at avoid the hindrance to traffic
Alampur Road station in connection movement to the maximum extent.
setting up Coach Mid Life TDC - July 2023.
Rehabilitation Work Shop at Kurnool
Work related to Redevelopment of Kacheguda Railway Station
1 Redevelopment of Kacheguda 2021-22 - The meeting regarding KCG station
Railway Station of Hyderabad Division, development to be held on
SCR. 30.11.2022.
PH 3000 (ROB/RUB works)
S.N PB No. Name of work Year of Present Status
o. Sanc
1 121 RUB near Safilguda lane in lieu of 2001-02 A letter dt 08/11/2022 given to
LC No 254 GHMC regarding closure of LC due
undertaking of capacity
enhancement works (PF extension