Page 258 - GM E-Booklet Dec-2022
P. 258
12 238j Jankampet-Bodhan- ROB @ LC 2019-20 GAD uploaded on e-DAS for
No. 18JB at km 19/1-2 (Bodhan Division Approval on 09.11.2022.
Yard) After approval of GAD by Rly, will be
sent to state govt for approval and
PH 4200 (Workshop work)
S.N Name of work Year of Estimated Present Status
o Sanction Cost
1 Integrated Bogie Assembly 2019-20 Rs. 15.15 98% civil works completed. Indent
and Disassembly for LGD cr for machinery has been placed by
shops. Mech/HQ to COFMOW Rs. 14cr.
Tender opened by COFMOW on
30.06.2022. The case file has been
transferred to NR for finalisation,
due to closure of COFMOW.
PH 1600 (Traffic Facility – Bye pass lines)
S.No. Name of work Present Status
1 Nizamabad Bye pass line Quotation for FLS was issued on 12.08.2022. FLS
(FLS Survey) Survey is under progress.
One alignment of about 1 km length of 4 degree curve
is finalized by Construction. Work has been handed
over by Con and ROR calculation in process.
There are corrections (Land Value & ESP of NZM) and
are being attended.