Page 30 - 5. UKBM BIG Wajib
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h.  Learning Materials  :

                                  o  In  order  to  master  the  theory  and  the  concept  in  this  UKBM
                                     thoroughly,  you  need  to  read  your  English  Text  Book  (Bahasa
                                     Inggris kelas XI, 2016)  Chapter 8; p.100 – 113, and Blossom kelas
                                     XI,  chapter  8,  page  107-  122,  and  other  sources  related  to
                                     materials  of  explanation  text,  and  the  same  materials  in  the
               2. Mind Mapping

                                               Explanation Text

                                               Generic Structure                Language Features

               Social Function              1. A title                     1. linking words
                                            2. An opening

                                                                           2. action verbs

                  To describe               statement                      3. present tense

                how or why a                3. A clear order of            4. passive voice
                                                paragraphs describe
                     certain                    how and why.               5. conjunctions
                phenomenon                  4. A concluding                6. focus on general group
                                            5. Visual text.

               3. Learning Process

                   a. How to study with this UKBM ???

                                  1. Mind Map      : Preview materials of Explanation text.
                                  2. Pre Activity    : Explore your prior knowledge of Explanation text.
                                  3. Main Activity : Get knowledge, conclusion and practice.
                                  4. More Practice: Get skills of listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

                                  5. Evaluation      : To check your understanding and to prepare for the
                                                                   formative test.
                                  Note: you can work individually, discuss with desk mate or in groups, and
                                  if you have problems, you may consult your teacher. Then, when you have

                                  finished with all the tasks, let your teacher check it, and you may take the
                                  formative test, and continue to the next UKBM.

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