Page 31 - 5. UKBM BIG Wajib
P. 31
b. Pre Activity
Before learning the material in this section, do “A-Pre Activity” in your text book,
page 100, observe the picture and read the text about Earthquakes, then answer
following questions!
1. Have you ever witnessed an earthquake?
2. What effect did it have on you ?
3. Why are earthquakes considered as the most deadly natural hazards?
4. What information do you get in the first paragraph of the text?
5. What are discussed in the second and third paragraphs?
6. Did you notice anything specific about the way this text is written ?
7. What kind of text is this ?
c. Main Activity
Learning Activity 1
Activity 1
Do you want to know more about Explanation text? Well, if you do, please read
your English text book (Bhs. Inggris XI, Chapter 8, page101 – 102), then do the
following tasks!
Task 1: Answer the following questions based on the information that you
read in your English book !
a. What is an explanation text?
b. How many types of Explanation texts ? Mention them!
c. What is the social function of the Explanation text?