P. 16
13. DMX is well respected by the chiropractic experts.
DMX has been utilized by chiropractic experts for many years. In 1995, Foreman/Croft stated that:
Videofluoroscopy is important in the evaluation of ligamentous instability…Several
studies have indicated that value of Videofluoroscopy in the evaluation of certain
types of soft tissue lesions of the neck…clinicians trained in the interpretation of
these studies are able to interpret them reliably. (p. 53).
They continue to state that:
Videofluoroscopy has an important role in the diagnosis of instability of the cervical
spine and, to some extent, in determining the prognosis regarding future disability.
For example, making them has shown that the healing of a ligamentous structure is
generally incomplete; this instability may result in early and accelerated
degenerative changes (Citing studies done by Panjabi and others).
The Council on Chiropractic Practice (CCP) has stated, as it relates to DMX, that:
Videofluoroscopy may be employed to provide motion views of
the spine when abnormal patterns are clinically suspected.
Videofluoroscopy may be valuable in detecting and characterizing
spinal kinesiopathy associated with chiropractic vertebral
In its 4th edition, it flatly stated that “Observational and case studies support the use of videofluoroscopy to evaluate vertebral
motion when this information cannot be obtained by other means .”
14. DMX is recognized by the U.S. Government.
The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHQR) of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recommends DMX in two
separate practice guidelines. The Guideline, Vertebral Subluxation in Chiropractic Practice states:
Videofluoroscopy may be employed to provide motion views of
the spine when abnormal motion patterns are clinically suspected.
Videofluoroscopy may be valuable in detecting and characterizing
spinal kinesiopathology associated with vertebral subluxation .
The Guideline, Management of Whiplash Associated Disorders , states:
Videofluoroscopy screening may be useful in and for evaluating
for cervical instability injuries. Motion MRI (kinetic MRI) has been
shown to demonstrate significant differences in biomechanical
function between normal patients and injured patients following
rear-end, low-impact motor vehicle collisions.
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