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Imphal Times Supplementary issue                                                          Page No. 2
                                              National Education Policy (NEP)-2020: A Critical Review (Part 2)

                                             By Surjit S. Thokchom*  repeater and those who manage to  (ii) Children in the non-formal centers  will be four types of teachers: (1) 12 th
            NEP 2020 and the status           Let us first have a look  to the  cross class 1, they are likely to detain  (run by NGOs); (iii) Children in the  class passed Aangalwadi teachers
                                                               in class 2. This detention is somewhat
                                                                                                  with  a 6  months certificate course
                                                                                 open schooling (either under NIOS or
                                             structural changes  in  the school  resolved with RTE Act 2009 through  SIOS); (iv) Children in online schooling  through online training conducted by
                                             education. The existing structure of  no detention policy except in schools  (Accredited private or public); (v)  NCERT, (2) Teachers below 12 th  class
             of Colleges of Manipur          school education is 10+2. Strictly  under minority act. But in terms of  Children in home schooling (severely  with  1-year online training course
                                             speaking, it is 2/3+5+3+2+2. 2 or 3  scholastic achievement, children’s  disabled child).  conducted by NCERT, (3) Peer group
             Much  criticism  has  been  received  on the  new  NATIONAL
                                                                                 All the courses under online, open,
           EDUCATION POLICY 2020 from students’ group to academic circles  years of pre-primary, 5 years of lower  learning doesn’t go beyond class 2.  home schooling, non-formal Centre will  teachers from amongst the students,
                                             primary, 3 years of upper primary, 2
                                                                                                  (4) Trained volunteers (from NGOs).
                                                               So, in reality, as of today, Aangalwadi
           including those serving as teachers in the government sectors. The  years of secondary and 2 years of  workers work together with lower  be treated as equivalent to a regular  In addition to these teachers, there will
           criticism and the argument about the feasibility of the new education  higher secondary. Before we try to  primary teachers. And the lower  formal  education.  Under the new  be counselors and mentors probably
           policy seems to have  direct impact creating apprehension to the  answer significance of the proposed  primary school effectively functions  arrangement of NEP 2020, there will be  from outside the villages. What will be
           government  of Manipur. When teachers were and are the one to  new structure of 5+3+3+4 in NEP  up to class 2 only. How shall we resolve  no drop out children and GER will be  the pay structure? Who will pay?
           systematically analyzed on government policy before any such has  2020, let us understand issues and  this problem?  100%  irrespective  of  quality,  What about the job security? These
           been introduced, there were no proper discussion that invites ideas  the problems of the existing structure  NEP 2020 ignores this crisis and take  accessibility and education facilities as  are something that we can speculate
           of all academic circles by inviting their suggestions. When the NEP  in the last 3 decades. Total Literacy  a regressive action:  Take PP and class  long as children are enrolled in one of  on the basis of pattern we observe ever
           2020 has been approved by the Union cabinet  the academic circle  Campaign (TLC) was started in 1989  1 & 2 as Aanganwadi and name it as  the  multiple  streams.  The  quality  since  structural  adjustment  was
           has been divided into two. One which accept and appreciate the idea  and post literacy classes were open  ‘Foundational stage’. Aangalwadi is  dimension will be decided by outcome.  started in mid 90s. In any case, they
           terming it as a new reform that will transform the whole education  for drop out children. This was in late  extended up to class 2 with a new cadre  Input norm will be relaxed. The dialectic  will be underpaid contractual para-
           system of the country. However, there are groups of highly intellect  80s  and  early  90s.  The  ground  of  para-teachers  drawn  from  relationship between input & outcome  teachers.  Some  of  them  will  be
           circle which criticized the new policy saying that it will sabotage the  realities of TLC period did not change  Aangalwadi. The teacher may be a  will be summarily rejected. A child in  overqualified as the large numbers of
           academic career of the entire student community. These arguments  over the years. What was the Indian  class 12 passed or below class 12 with  formal   school   with   proper  SSA and RMSA teachers are likely to
           and criticism are all base on factual presentation of what has been  realities particularly amongst the  no educational lower limit. Teachers  infrastructure and qualified trained  be ousted from their teaching job in
           happening in  the country.        rural poor, urban poor and the children  will be trained through online for 6  teachers, a child in non-formal center,  preparatory, middle and secondary
             Yesterday,  the Kangleipak Students’ Association has stated the  of the marginalized sections of the  months for class 12 passed and 1-year  a child in online education, a child in  level due to closer of schools in the
           importance of setting up a committee to oversee the implementation  society? Within the existing policy,  for below 12 th  class. The new structure  open schooling will be treated as full-  process  of  converting  schools to
           of the NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY 2020 in the state at the  there were no provision for teacher  of 5 years Foundational course is a  fledged formal education child and they  school  complex. About the school
           earliest as the education being provided under the higher education  for pre-primary level and there was  new  Aangalwadi  structure.  It  is  are entitled to get access to all the  complex,  we  shall  discuss  later.
           system in the state to expand the horizon and present a better future  no provision for mid-day meal for  hugely   diluted  and   heavily  facilities  available  in  the  school  Whatever, the expanded Aanganwadi
           prospect  for the  students.      children below 6 years. Children  compromised Lower Primary school.  complex occasionally.  under NEP 2020 will be a part of a
             It  has become  necessary to ascertain whether  the  colleges in  below the age of 6 years were covered  The failure in the earlier policy will be  Let us go little bit deeper on the  school complex.
           Manipur are following the guidelines laid down by the UGC as to the  under Aangalwadi Scheme. There was  now a legitimate success story of the  ‘foundational stage’ (3-8 years) in this  Let us acknowledge one important
           teaching  hours,  Research  and Academic  contributions  and  no official collaboration between  new policy. This is called new structure  stage. Who will decide the curricular  change here. Under existing policies
           Professional Development, Co-Curricular and Extension Activities  Aangalwadi and Lower Primary  for 3-8 years old children known as  framework, the curriculum and text  pre-primary level curriculum is not
           etc. colleges functioning outside the RR and guidelines of the UGC  School either  in  village  level  or  ‘Foundational stage’.  books? As per NEP-2020,  as it  is  available in most of the Indian states.
           need to be identified and categorized according to a state policy as a  departmental level or ministerial level.  Under the existing policy, children  mentioned in section 1.3, the curricular  The provision for  teachers of pre-
           large number of colleges could not meet the parameters laid down by  But  in practice,  due to people’s  can  be  divided  broadly  into  two  framework will be centrally prepared  primary level is available in some states
           the  NAAC  such  as  lack  of  required  number  of  teachers  and  aspiration for children’s education,  groups; (i) school going children (ii)  by NCERT and it will be called National  in  recent  years.  Infrastructure
           inadequate  teacher-student ratio thereby scoring low  accreditation  existing govt aided or full-fledged  non-school going children. As of now  Curricular and Pedagogical Framework  provisions is also very limited and mid-
           grades and losing out on funding by the UGC. The state government  government schools have to accept  the  non-school going children say  for early childhood care and education  day  meal  was never extended for
           should take up steps to appoint the required number of teachers as  pre-primary (PP) children. This  after class 1 cannot be treated as a  (NCEFECCE). This framework will  preprimary level. All these in practice
           well as provide the infrastructures for the colleges without any delay.  unofficial arrangement was done  bona fide enrolled child unless the child  have two parts; sub—framework for  do not apply to the private schools
           Appointment of principal in charge for a large number of colleges  without sanctioned PP teachers,  is brought back to the school in class  0-3 years old and sub frame work for 3-  and urban elites govt. aided schools.
           and  instead  of a  regular  principal  till  their  retirement  reeks of  without separate PP rooms, without  1 or 2.  In other word, these children’s  8 years old. The curriculum based on  What  we  observe  in  the last  few
           corruption and a big factor for lack of accountability in these colleges,  mid-day  meal  for  PP,  without  exclusion from enrollment register is a  this  framework and the pedagogy  decades is the collective aspirations
           as according to the UGC guideline, regular principals are a appointed  prescribed books for PP and more  bloat  towards 100% GER (Gross  based  on  this  framework  will  be  of parents both rich and poor to start
           for five years, and if one wishes to continue beyond this term, then  importantly without a govt. order. This  Enrolment  Rate)  towards  the  centrally created by the  Education  formal education for their children as
           an  interview is necessary for re-appointment as principal which is  pattern developed in the last three  fulfillment of Sustainable Development  Ministry (MHRD as of now). Planning  early as 2 years old. NEP 2020 clubbed
           not the case in the state  at present. The  state government should  decades in the village level amongst  Goal 4(SDG4). In the NEP 2020, every  and implementation will be jointly  the provision for Aangalwadi through
           stop this trend and appoint regular principals for the colleges on a  poorer and marginalized section of  drop out children will be officially  decided  by  Ministry of Education,  social welfare  department  and the
           rotation basis immediately.       both rural and urban society. As such  enrolled without asking them to come  Ministry  of  Women  and  Child  provision of class 1 and 2 through
             Teachers of government colleges and aided colleges who failed to  Aangalwadi  workers  become  back to school to engage in formal  Development, Ministry of Health and  education  department or SSA and
           meet the qualification prescribed  y the UGC should  be given an  unofficial and unpaid or underpaid  learning and the GER will be 100 %  Family Welfare and Ministry of Tribal  promise to provide infrastructure and
           opportunity to meet the requirements under a timeframe and those  para-teachers  for  PP.  So,  the  without changing or improving the  Affairs. Please note the total absence  nutrition input as a part of the school
           who still cannot meet the qualifications within the given timeframe  functioning of Aangalwadi as an  objective realities. In fact, 100% GER  of the state govt. and local bodies up  complex.  This  provision  is  a
           should be dealt with under a policy, and also the state government  extension of lower primary schools is  will achieve through further dilution  to the level of curriculum, planning and  restructured provision but not a new
           should adopt the recommendations fo the 7th pay commission for  a practicing phenomenon, particularly  of both investment and quality. This  implementation. Why?  We shall come  one.  There is  a  new  provision  of
           the teachers without any delay.   in  the  rural  areas.  Therefore,  miracle is called NEP-2020. How? The  back again in this question after a while.  imposing   centrally   prepared
             The above mentioned reasons are the main cause for the failure of
                                                                                 Now  the Ministry  will initiate  a
           the colleges in the state to be included in the top 200 list of colleges  Aangalwadi and the lower primary  magic as per NEP-2020 is called, “wider  mission called National Mission on  curriculum, text books and learning
                                             schools working together unofficially
                                                               Choices”. There will be 5 types of
                                                                                                  materials based on centrally prepared
           and universities of India as determined by the National Institutional  is a visible and feasible practices.  enrolled children. Right now, let us  Foundational Literacy and Numeracy  curricular framework. This is against
           Ranking  Framework  (NIRF),  Ministry  of  Human  Resources  There is however one important thing  confine to Foundational stage only  (section 2.2). This is a restoration of  the  constitutional  provision  of
           Development, Government of India. The academic activities provided  that in the lower primary school,  though  this  classification  will  earlier TLC exactly replicating the  education under concurrent list, Indian
           in the state is evidently lacking in depth and quality when compared  majority of children drop out before  consistently continue in the later stage  agenda  of World  Bank;  equating  federalism  and  all  the  known
           with that of other states, and in order to make improvements, required  entering class 3. Many of them detain  of education also. The 5 types are : (i)  literacy to education. It is difficult to  pedagogical practices till date.
           parameters  such as  infrastructure, academic activities,  research,  in pre-primary and those who enter  Children in the formal school (private  comprehend why this regressive step  Whatever,  there  is  one  very
           faculties etc should be improved said the release.
                                             class 1 detain in the same class as  or government or government aided);  is  recommended.  Of course,  this  pertaining  but  not  yet  answered
                                                                                 mission will not cover children in the  question: why do Central government
                 Deteriorating humanitarian professionalism:                     private school and govt. elite schools.  need to  centrally  develop, design,
                                                                                 While children of well to do family are
                                                                                                  prepare and implement curriculum, text
                                                                                                  books  and  learning  materials  for
                                                                                 busy with the latest technology, the
                 unsupervised healthcare system of Manipur                       children both from urban poor and rural  children at the age of 3-8 years in a
                                                                                 poor  along  with  children  from
                                                                                                  country like India with huge diversity.
                                                                                 marginalized sections of the society will  NEP 2020 strongly recommends to
            Need  for  non-panicky  and  current corona crisis. This further  healthcare  professionals  and  against those that do not follow the  be busy with literacy classes probably  teach  the  21 st   century  skills  and
          conscientious  care  for  both  creates  deep-seated  mistrust  for  victims.  directives.  in evening time, with occasional visit to  education right from the foundational
          corona  and  non-corona  patients.  medical professionals,  healthcare  5.  Top-down  approach  in  7.  Provide   sensitised  school complexes and they will be  stage that is 3 years old child upto
            RISE - A women’s network for  related  administration  and  the  communication and functioning of  empathy training for professionals,  covered under this mission.  higher education through 12 class. For
          inclusive  social  development,  entire state system  that  regulates  medical   professionals   and  nodal officers at quarantine centres  Let us now look to the issue of text  a lay person, 21 st  century skills and
          takes concern of the escalation of  and  controls  public  services.  administration.  and volunteers  at groundwork.  books. NEP 2020 does not advocate  education  may  mean the ICT, AI,
          unfortunate  deaths  of  non-covid-  Synchronously,  our  panic-struck  Our  suggestions  keeping  in  While  we  appreciate  the  the use of textbooks in this  stage  Machine language, Climate change,
          19  emergency  patients  due  to  public resorting to mob justices in  mind the current corona crisis:  positive  news  coming  in  from  though it says introduction of limited  renewable source of energy etc. But
          negligence  by  the  staffs  and  the localities is  only  causing  high  1.  Reduce the level of panic  public   healthcare   systems  number of texts in class 1 and 2. The  as per NEP 2020, 21 st  century skills and
          doctors in district, state and private  risks of collateral damages.  around  corona  virus  infection  by  following procedure and attending  curricular framework and the curriculum  education  mean  ancient  Indian
          hospitals of Manipur. On thinking  Our   observations   from  spreading  meaningful  awareness  the  needs  of  the  patients,  like  in  is centrally controlled by MHRD and  knowledge(section11.1),  not  the
          through, it’s only a tiny part of the  speaking to the victim’s family and  with  care  and  maintaining  strict  the  case  of  the  Mayang  Imphal  the only possible contextualization in  modern knowledge. Such imposed
          collapsing healthcare system that  few  concern professionals:  SOPs  to  prevent  community  PHC stepping up in the delivery of  the  local  level  is  translating  the  teaching of ancient Indian knowledge
          has created  the  aura  possible  for  1.  Q u e s t i o n a b l e  spread.  twins recently and RIMS with the  instruction from Hindi and English to  without  a  critical  and  rational
          callousness in healthcare services.  professional  efficiency  and  2.  Identify  the  loopholes  delivery a baby girl of a COVID-19  local languages. Beyond this, all the  examination of the same need to defy
          The recent disheartening  incident  inadequate  infrastructure  in  from  top  to  bottom  in  the  entire  positive mother, we also would like  contextualization will be off record and  democratic  norm  and  humane
          of Ms. Kanpatliu Kamei, 20 years  Senapati district  hospital.  healthcare  system.  to  press  upon  the  authorities  to  unofficial. Of course, you will find the  pedagogy!    Can this be the reason for
          old pregnant woman from Noney,  2.  Non availability  of  basic  3.  Provide   adequate  review the systemic failures which  document decorated with beautiful  this over-centralization? If yes, will it
          Senapati district who died of being  treatment facilities and ambulance  equipment,  care  and  support  for  caused the recent unfortunate and  words of flexibility as rhetoric.  work? Time for us to ponder and act!!!
          denied emergency  natal  treatment  in the district hospital.  frontliners working tirelessly in the  avoidable  incidents  of  maternal  Who will teach these children? There  (to be continued)
          in  five  Imphal  hospitals  is  an  3.  Unprofessional approach  hospitals and sufficient training in  and  infant  deaths.  We  urge  the
          alarming red  flag.  This  case  and  by  medical professionals such  as  terms of its usage like PPE.  State and the healthcare providers  *Surjit S  Thokchom  is  based  in  Shillong  at present. He  is  a
          few other similar  cases  that went  lack  of  interpersonal  empathy by  4.  Give proper scientific and  to  emphasise  on  humanitarian  Secretariat Member  of  All India Forum  for  Right  to  Education
          viral of treatment refusal,  right at  the nurses, absences of doctors on  evidence  based  precautionary  approach in dealing with  patients  (AIFRTE) and Editorial Board Member of a monthly publication of
          the  hospital  doors,  add  to  the  duty in Imphal hospitals.  healthcare  advice  to  dispel  fake  regardless of their COVID status.  AIFRTE titled, “Reconstructing Education”.  He has been associating
          public  panic  especially  during  4.  Mistrust  between  the  information.  We also appeal to the public to be  with an education project in rural khasi hills titled, “Demonstrating
                                               5.  Prepare  comprehensive  mindful of the stress and pressure  an Alternative Vision of Education”. He was a member of Institute
                                             SOPs  for  non-covid  emergency  that  frontline  workers  are  going  Advisory  Board  of North  East Regional  Institute  of  Education
           Letters,  Feedback  and  Suggestions  to  ‘Imphal  Times’
           can be sent to our e-mail : For advertisement  patients.  through  at  this  juncture  and  (NERIE), Shillong, a Constituent of NCERT and he was a member of
           kindy contact:  -  0385-3590330 (O).  For time being readers can reach the  6.  Update a list of hospitals  provide  them  an  enabling  Position Paper of Work and Education, NCERT. He was also official
           office at Cell Phone No. 9862860745 for any purpose.  for emergency care. Follow up and  environment  to  dispense  their  translator of National Curricular  Framework,  2005(NCF  2005)
                                             take  appropriate  stringent  actions  duties.  into Manipuri. He can be reached through
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