Page 3 - labour report
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Imphal Times Supplementary issue                                                           Page No. 3
                         Nitin Gadkari lays foundation for different projects

          DIPR           by   Minister   of   State  Corporation   Chairman  Regarding Central Roads Fund  linking of Imphal with this river  roads. He informed the Minister  are going on in full swing.
          Imphal, August 17  (Independent  Charge)  for  Vungzagin Valte, Advisor to  (CRF), Shri Gadkari also assured  routes.  He  also  called  for  that condition  of  these  two  Construction of Imphal-Jiribam
                         DoNER and PMO Dr. Jitendra  Chief Minister K.  Leishiyo,  to release additional funds of  adopting  alternate  fuel  for  important  roads are good in  highway  is  also  underway
          Union  Minister  for  Road  Singh  and  MoS  Road  Chief  Secretary  Dr.  Rajesh  about Rs. 250 crore as soon as  public transport in the North  most sections though landslide  though the project was slightly
          Transport,  Highways  and  Transport and Highways Gen.  Kumar and other officials.  the utilization certificates for  East  as  it  is  cheaper  and  happens in some places during  delayed in the beginning due
          MSMEs Shri Nitin Gadkari laid  (Retd.) VK Singh. They were  Speaking on the occasion, Nitin  earlier works are received from  environment friendly.  rainy season.  to  land compensation  issues.
          the  foundation  stones  for  13  also  joined from Imphal by  Gadkari  announced  that the  the  State.  He also urged  the  Gadkari also highlighted the role  He further said that Makru and  Apart from it, construction of
          different highway projects and  Works Minister Th. Biswajit,  foundation  stone  for  an  Chief Minister to speed up land  of MSME sector in improving  Barak  bridges,  for  which  Moreh bypass road and Pallel-
          inaugurated a road safety project  CAF  & PD Minister Karam  elevated highway in Imphal city  acquisition and utility shifting  the employment and economic  foundation  stones  were  laid  Chandel road would also start
          of  the  State  through  video  Shyam,  Water  Resources  as  proposed  by  the  State  works in the State so that road  scenario in Manipur. Informing  under  the  Union  Minister’s  soon, he added.
          conference today. The total length  Minister Shri Letpao Haokip,  Government would also be laid  projects could be expedited.  about the recent expansion of  guidance, would be completed  Imphal being a small city, is very
          of these projects is around 316  Agriculture  Minister  V.  soon for which DPR is being  The Minister also informed that  MSME units, he exhorted the  by the end of this year. Stating  congested now, as such there
          kilometres, and the total project  Hangkhanlian,   Education  prepared. The Union Minister  dredging has been completed  Chief  Minister  to  consider  that  lots  of  developmental  is need for an elevated highway,
          cost is around Rs. 3000 crore.  Minister Th. Radheshyam, MP  said that the Centre has taken  in Brahmputra and Barak rivers,  setting up of Special Designing  changes could be  seen in the  Shri Biren said and added that
          Chief Minister N. Biren Singh  (Inner) RK Ranjan, MP (Outer)  up  various projects  keeping  and  it  is  now  possible  to  Centres where quality of local  State ever since the erstwhile  people of Manipur are thankful
          presided the  virtual  function  Shri Lorho Pfoze, MP (Rajya  with Prime Minister’s desire to  transport   people   and  handloom  and  handicraft  ‘Look East Policy’ was changed  to Shri Gadkari for responding
          from Manipur Bhawan,  New  Sabha) Leishemba Sanajaoba,  develop  infrastructure in the  consignments   through  products can be improved for  into ‘Act East Policy’ under the  positively to the proposal of the
          Delhi, which was also attended  Manipur Tribal Development  North East.  waterways. He also suggested  export to foreign countries.  supervision of Prime Minister  25-km-long Imphal City elevated
                                                                      In his speech, Chief Minister N.  Shri Narendra  Modi, Shri N.  highway  project.  He  also
              Increase number of forensic labs says                   Biren Singh thanked Shri Nitin  Biren Singh said that works for  requested  the  Minister  to
                                                                                                     upgrade the Imphal-Moirang
                                                                                      upgradation  of  four-lane
                                                                      Gadkari for revamping Imphal-
                      NHRC webinar panelists                          Jiribam  and  Imphal-Moreh  highway of Imphal-Moreh road  road to a four-lane highway.
          IT Correspondent   Introduction  of  Forensic  videography  during  the  information  that  can hinder NSCN-IM furnishes “original
          New Delhi, Aug 17:  study  and training in  MBBS  process of post-mortem.   the process of investigation &
                         course,  introduction  of  Making  post-mortem  an  trial.   copy” of the Framework
          At a recent webinar hosted by  forensic  law  studies  as  a  important activity for medical  Justice  Pant  said  that  the
          the  National  Human Rights  separate course curriculum in  professionals  with  proper  NHRC has also been raising
          Commission   (NHRC),  integrated BSc (Forensic) LLB,  orientation  to  the  doctors  the  issue  of  increased  Agreement in public domain
          panelists  made  several  to  increase  the  number  of  about   medico-legal  pendency in forensic labs due
          suggestions,  including  the  forensic labs in proportion to  procedures;  and  improving  to which cases pile up in trial
          increase  in  number  of  the  number  of  cases  to  mortuary  setup  with  proper  courts  and  under  trial  Agency  copies (alleged original copy  copy”  of  FA  says:  “It  is  a
          laboratories and introduction  examine  to  avoid  delay  in  equipment  and  environment  prisoners  languish  in  jail.  Imphal, Aug 17:  and  manipulated  copy)  matter  of  great  satisfaction
          of  forensic  study  in  MBBS  administering justice, creation  to facilities  conduct of post-  NHRC  has issued guidelines  appears to be almost similar,  that  dialogue  between  the
          course.        of  the  post of District Medico  mortem,   were   other  from time to time, on conduct  The NSCN (IM)  on Sunday  what  is  significant  (and  as  Govt. of India and the NSCN
          The  panelist  cited  lack  of  Legal  expert,  to  introduce  suggestions   from   the  of  autopsies,  medico-legal  furnished  in  public  domain  claimed in a earlier NSCN (IM)  has  successfully  concluded
          adequate number of  forensic  professionalism   in   the  participants, he said.   reports, use  of  ballistics  etc.  what it claimed is the “original  statement) is  that  the  word  and  we are confident  it  will
          laboratories  and  manpower  photography   and  Inaugurating the webinar, the  There  is  a  change  in  crime  copy”  of  the  Framework  “new”   is   missing   in  provide  for  an  enduring
          leading   to   delay   in  videography  of  post mortem,  NHRC Member, Justice P. C.  patterns  with  the  surge  of  Agreement  as  well  as  the  “enduring  inclusive  new  inclusive  relationship  of
          administering  justice.  They  to  make  post  mortem  an  Pant  said  that  forensic  cyber-crime,   which  alleged  “manipulated  copy”  relationship  of peaceful  co-  peaceful  co-existence  of the
          suggested  that  training  of  important activity for medical  examination  is   important  necessitates  filling  up  of  of   FA   circulated   by  existence of the two entities”  two  entities.”
          forensic  science be  given in  professionals  with  proper  evidence  for  successful  vacant  posts  urgently  in  Government  of  India’s  in the  alleged “manipulated  The  NSCN  (IM)  said  it  is
          MBBS course and a post of a  orientation  to  the  Doctors  administration  of  criminal  Forensic  laboratories,  he  Interlocutor RN Ravi, who is  copy” of FA.  furnishing  the two copies of
          district medico-legal expert be  about   medico-legal  justice. There is a need for the  added.   also  the  Governor  of  “It  is  a  matter  of  great  the FA to expose the “hidden
          created.       procedures  and  to  improve  Judiciary  and  investigating  Secretary  General  Jaideep  Nagaland.  satisfaction  that  dialogue  agenda”  of  Ravi  “to  create
          Several  suggestions  emerge  mortuaries  with  proper  agencies  to  be  aware  of  Govind,  said  that  the  “As  a  follow  up  for  public  between  the  Government  of  schism” among the Nagas.
          during the online discussion.  equipments  to  facilitate  general   procedures   &  objective of the webinar was  scrutiny  on  how  RN  Ravi  india  and  the  NSCN  has  “The issue is of serious nature
          Some of which were: to bring   conduct of post-mortem.   principles   followed   in  to   sensitize   all   the  misinformed and  misled the  successfully concluded and  as the very essence of FA had
          in uniformity under an SOP for  The panelists also suggested  forensics  while  collecting  &  stakeholders  about  the  Government of India we furnish  we  are  confident,  it  will  been  found  missing  or
          conducting   forensic  introducing  forensic  law  examining  the  physical  functioning  of the  important  here  the  original  copy  and  provide  for  an  enduring  manipulated  in  the  copy
          examination,  to  fill  in  the  studies  as  a  separate  course  evidences  from the scene  of  fields  of  forensic  science,  Ravi’s manipulated copy of the  inclusive new relationship of  circulated  by  Ravi  to  his
          vacant  posts  in  forensic  curriculum in integrated BSc  occurrence. There is also the  especially  in  the  context of  Framework Agreement,” said a  peaceful  co-existence  of the  favored  Naga  civil  society
          science  laboratories  and  to  (Forensic) LLB and to bring in  need  to  create  awareness  custodial  and  encounter  statement issued by the MIP  two entities,”  the  purported  organizations,  including
          provide  them  with  sufficient  greater professionalism in the  among media and public about  deaths  and  cases  involving  NSCN/GPRN.  “original copy” of FA says.  NNPGs  to  give  different
          infrastructure  and  funds,  photography   and  not   disclose   sensitive   human  rights violations.  While the content of the two  But the alleged “manipulated  narratives,” it added.
              Death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss in life is what dies
                                               inside us while we live
           By: Thangminlun Haokip  are  actually  living.  Many  desire.All  these  negative but  family you’re  together  with,
                         among us are dying while we  useless  thoughts  which will  the  friends  you  surround
           Everone has a purpose and  are  actually  living  and  bring no  positive impact but  yourself with, would then  be
           destination in life. And yes,  breathing. Our soul  is crying  only  a hindrance  in  out  life   the  greatest   gift  and
           we are endeavouring to live  deep inside of us because we  filled our mind, that we remain  possession in our life.
           a life we dream and desire.  often  forsake  it by not living  sad  and  uncontented  in  our  The things you dream to have
           We live each  day trying to  while  we  live. Often  do  we  life.  No  matter  what  we’re  today  would  then  mean
           make a living and making it  forget that the limit of life and  going  through, we are capable  nothing to you.  For nothing
           better or worser, depending  its beauty is boundless. Don’t  to break out from the negative  is worth if we are not health
           on the efforts and reactions  limit   yourself  within  your  side.   and happy with it. What good
           we give to our challenges we  thoughts. You are  what  you  We  keep  pondering  on  the  and benefit is to a man to own
           face each day. We surround  think.  If  you  think  and  other side of our life- the ugly  a thousand acre of land with
           ourselves  with  different  believed that you are capable  lifestyle  we  lived,  the  branded  cars  and  coveted
           taste of people- people with  in  doing  something then you  possessions  we  could  not  property  if we are not able to
           different dreams,  different  can do it. Our  subconscious  afford to have, the luxuries we  enjoy them because we don’t
           lifestyle,  different  ways of  mind can do in a way that is  cannot  enjoy,  the  sparkling  have a good health  and have
           living;  one  who  is  always  unimaginable   to   us.   clothes  in the storeroom we  no  satisfaction  upon  them.
           filled with positivity while  Whatever  we  plant  in  our  dream  to  wear  one  day,  the  Life is too short and we only
           another living a life of hatred  subconscious  mind  and  seven-storey building with all  live once. So why not live life  answer to the above is a no,  don’t enjoy something,   then  love life. Living and thriving
           with  negative  thoughts  nourish  with  repetition  and  kinds  of  decent  lifestyle  we  to the fullest and actually live  maybe,  or  not  sure,  that  don’t do it. Spend your time  on  this  planet  is  a
           winding their life that even  emotion will one day become  would like to enjoy and what  the life we want.   means we’re not living our life  and  energy  on  things  that  fascinating experience for all
           they  themselves  don’t like  reality,  because  once  the  not,  are what  makes us  feel  Steve Job  once  said,  “Your  to  the  fullest.  Which  really  brings  you  happiness  and  of us. How we’re  on earth
           the way they look at things  subconscious  mind  accepts  uncontent  ;  when  we  are  time is limited, don’t waste it  shouldn’t  be  the  case,  fulfilment.   with millions of species, over
           for  an  instance.  We  are  an idea, it begins to execute it.  actually  showered  with  living  someone  else’s  life.  because you’re the author of  And  most  importantly,learn  30,000 different lifeform and
           living in a diversified world  It is a program for our mind to  countless blessings with  the  Don’t be trapped by dogma,   your life. Create and live the  to  be  positive  and  always  over  7  billion  people  and
           where  people  have  unique  channel  our  thoughts  in the  life we are given today, when  which  is living  the  result  of  life you design and  destine.  train  yourself  to   think  everone of us are struggling
           perception  and  ideology  right direction and execute its  millions are lying  breatheless  other people’s thinking. Don’t  Pen  your  own  story.  Why  positive. Take  perceptions   and thriving in our own way.
           that even a blind man would  function  command  by  our  in  the  graveyard,  when  let  the  noise  of  other’s  settle   for anything  less  than  that empower you, not those  So,  as  we  live  on  earth,
           be able to see in someone’s  conscious mind.  So, most of  thousands  are  lying  on their  opinion  drown  your  own  wha we can get?  We deserve  that bind you. If you can learn  remember to love life. Its the
           eye,  because we  have our  us  spent  our  day  being  deathbed  only  waiting  to  inner   voice.And   most  nothing but the  best.   to  see  the  positive  side  of  only way we have to live. As
           own  way  of  looking  at  gloomy and sad, being unable  breathe  their  last, dreaming  important, have  the  courage  So, live  everyday on a fresh  everything,  you’ll be able to  Norman  Cousins  rightly
           things, a significant  vision  to  be  happy and  not able to  how  they  would  wish to  be  to  follow  your  heart  and  new start. Don’t be held back  live  a  much  richer  life  than  quoted,  “Death  is  not the
           towards  something that  is  bring  out  the  smile  in  us  alive today- this day. Imagine  intuition,  they  somehow  by what  happened yesterday  others.  Above  all,  live  greatest  loss  in  life.  The
           different from others.  because we don’t channeled  yourself as one among those.  already know what you truly  or the past. Life is too short  yourself. You are the one who  greatest loss in life is what
             What hinders  us today, in   our thoughts  in  the  positive  How precious the life we have  want  to  become.  Everything  to  ponder  upon  the  past  is solely constant in your life.  dies inside us while live.” So,
           the society and the world in  direction. Thinking  of what  today  would  be,  the  small  else is secondary.  “ How do  which  we  have  no  control  Remember to always treasure  let’s   bring   out   the
           a larger aspect is that most  someone  had  said  to  us,  things  which  you  have  you feel about our life today?  over them and to bring them  and love yourself. Or no one’s  potentiality we have within
           of us succumbed to despair-  quarelling with  our  friends,  negligence as waking up ever  Are we living  our best life?   back, live in the ‘now’, live in  going to love you like you do  ourselves, let us live the life
           to  our  own  thoughts  and  family  members, or  because  morning  safe and  sound,  the  Are  what   we  should  be  the present moment. And do  to  yourself.   we  desire  while  we  are
           don’t live our life while we  we  don’t  have  what  we  sun that shines  everyday, the  asking ourselves today. If our  the  things  you  love.  If  you  Of all these, never forget this:  living.
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