Page 12 - The Grange House Handbook
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fabulous facilities, but it was not designed to be a boarding description is available. An election is held each term to
house. This gives it some endearing quirks, such as the choose our Head of House. The Head of House has various The timetable opposite sets out a typical day for the boys of DAILY
variety in size and layout of the bedrooms. Each boy has responsibilities at The Grange and also represents us to the The Grange House.
a bed, desk with lockable drawer and chair, bedside table, wider school community. ROUTINE
lamp, wardrobe and laundry basket. There are also pin On Saturdays bedtimes may be extended at the discretion
boards so boys can decorate their rooms with posters and ORDERLIES AND THE BUDDY SYSTEM of the member of staff on duty. On Sundays the boys have a 07:00 Wake-up
photos if they wish to. Room allocations will change each All members of the house will be assigned to an orderlies lie-in. Brunch is served at 11.30am and supper at 5pm. Boys
half-term, so that by the end of the year the boys will have team and, when on duty, will be responsible for assisting have the opportunity to visit Street and campus during the
shared a room with a number of their year group. staff in ensuring the smooth running of the house. Each team day. 07:45 Roll call
will be overseen by a House Prefect, and they will also act
The boys are free to play in the garden and make use of the as the ‘buddy’ of any new pupils in that team. They will help EARLY DAYS AT THE GRANGE 08:00 Breakfast at school
various facilities in the common room and kitchen whenever the house staff to ensure new boarders are well supported There will be a sustained induction programme which will
they wish during their free time. During most evening there during the early stages of their time at The Grange. The boys aim to gradually introduce school systems and house rules,
will be games of football or cricket happening in the garden. can also raise any concerns with their team leader at any and to ensure each boy’s effective integration into the 08:30 Registration with Group Tutor
Having access to all of this space is one of the real joys and time. busy life at Millfield. There will be daily house meetings to
privileges of life at The Grange. provide the opportunity to get to know the staff, the Head
of House, and the other boys, and to talk through any issues 08:55 The school day begins
FOOD and concerns. Nonetheless, even the most confident and
The boys have their meals in the school dining hall. There is outgoing pupil will have bad days, feel homesick, struggle
a rolling menu and a huge amount of choice. Chartwells can with their prep or miss their old friends. Everyone gets
cater very well for specific dietary requirements, even those homesick at some point; it takes some longer to adjust than 16:00 End of Academic teaching
who are slightly particular and prefer plain food. Snacks are others. If your son does go through a low patch, particularly
also available after school and in the evenings in the boys’ in the first few weeks, please do not hesitate to call us to
kitchen. On Saturday nights boys are allowed to order take- discuss the issues. However, from experience we have found 17:30
aways if they would like to, at the discretion of the member that the more you are on the phone to your son during Supper in the dining hall
of staff on duty. On Sundays there is a late brunch and an this time, the less time they have to socialise and build -18:45
evening meal, although many students take the chance to WHO TO GO TO IF YOU friendships with their new peer group. Think about arranging 19:00 Roll call and house meeting,
visit Street at weekends, where they can select their own ARE STRUGGLING regular phone calls at agreed times and try to resist the followed by prep
food. temptation to take him home each weekend or call him
every day. We advise that no exeats should be taken during
TRIPS the first two weekends of the academic year. We know this is
There will be occasional trips or events during the evenings hard, but all the house staff will be on hand to support your 20:30 Snacks and recreational time.
or on Sundays, and these are great opportunities for son, and for the vast majority of the pupils this period of Evening activities on campus
developing the strong friendships which exist within the uneasiness will last no more than a couple of weeks.
house. Sometimes these will be whole house activities, at
other times they may be optional, or arranged by year or 21:45 All boarders back in house
tutor group, or by orderlies teams. The cost for house trips We are really looking forward to welcoming Orderlies duties attended to
will be taken from the house account or put onto the school Adi Whatling Craig Middleton Fiona Ellison
bill. If a significant cost is likely to be incurred parents will be Designated Deputy Designated Deputy Designated your son to The Grange and getting to know 22:15 Boys in rooms
asked for approval in advance. Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Lead
him and you much better over the coming years. 22:30
It is very important to us that the boys have an input into
how the house is run. The House Council meets every term Mike and Katey
and contains representatives from each year group. There
is also a food committee which meets with the chef every
term. In addition, there is a suggestion box in the house
which can be used to submit ideas for improvements or to Claire Trainor Kait Weston
raise concerns anonymously. Deputy Designated Deputy Designated
Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Lead
Students are provided with various leadership opportunities.
The most important of these is the post of house prefect.
Upper Sixth pupils can apply for this position and a job