Page 10 - The Grange House Handbook
P. 10

THE GRANGE                                                                                                             THE GRANGE

           BOARDING                                                                                                               BOARDING

           LIFE                                                                                                                   LIFE

           with this and full training is available for the pupils who wish   98 28; account number 01224863).                    removed. Adapters for appliances can be bought from the
           to use this.                                                                                                           school shop or ordered via the Housemaster/mistress.  HANDING IN DEVICES AT NIGHT
                                                              HEALTH / DOCTOR / MEDICATIONS                                                                                          Pupils are allowed to use their mobile devices in boarding
           POCKET MONEY / HOUSE BANK                          Routine daily matters will be dealt with in house by the            As electrical and electronic equipment in studies and pupil   houses, however if a member of staff feels that the mobile
           ACCOUNTS / SCHOOL SHOP                             resident staff who are all first aid trained. Where possible,       dormitories can present health and safety risks, we impose   device is being used inappropriately, they may confiscate
           All pupils are encouraged to use the house bank rather than   please attempt to arrange routine dental and medical     the following restrictions:                        it for a fixed period which will be proportionate with the
           keep large sums of money in their rooms. Pocket money   appointments during holidays. The school Medical Centre                                                           misuse. Appropriate use of all devices is detailed within the
           is used for spending within house tuck shops and minor   is open 24 hours, seven days per week and is staffed by        ALLOWED                 NOT ALLOWED               school’s Safe and Acceptable User Policy. All pupils in Years
           daily expenditure as well as snacks, take-away treats on a   fully qualified nurses; the School Medical Officer is present                                                9, 10 and 11 hand in their devices every evening before bed
           Saturday night, or funds for an exeat weekend, for example.   Monday-Saturday for routine GP appointments. Pupils who   Computer/laptop/iPad    Games consoles            time and Housemasters/mistresses will store these mobile
           Naturally, internet banking is preferred, the individual   are ill, will see the doctor within the daily morning clinics   Hair styling appliances    Large screen PC monitors   devices in the House office overnight. The Housemaster/
           account details pertaining to each house can be obtained   and all boarding pupils will be registered with the School’s   Charger(s)            TV screens                mistress will ensure secure storage and thereafter, all devices
           from the relevant Housemaster/mistress.            Medical Officer.                                                                                                       are returned to the pupils the following morning.
                                                                                                                                   Radio/stereo            Large (high volume) speakers
           It is difficult to give an accurate guide as to how much pocket   The Medical Centre keeps a file of pupil health declaration   Electric toothbrush or shaver  Kettle     REWARDS
           money each pupil needs but most spend between £15 and   forms for boarders who are self-administering and where         British Standard fused    Rice cooker             A full description of the school’s rewards can be found within
           £20 a week, some spend a lot more and some a lot less! To   their medication is kept. This file is made available to duty   slab lead                                     the Behaviour Policy. Members of boarding houses are
           obtain goods from the school shop, junior pupils are required   staff in the House so they can deal with relevant medical                                                 awarded their House Colours and Prefectships in the senior
           to obtain a chit from any member of the house staff; items   emergencies. Housemasters/mistresses should keep a file                            Plug in air freshener     years for outstanding service to House. In addition, Group
           are then charged to the end of term accounts; goods range   of Medical Protocols. Parents/boarders should inform their                                                    Tutor trips or ‘dining out’ nights might be used as rewards. At
           from pens and paper to tracksuits, deodorants and so on.   Housemaster/mistress or the Medical Centre if a boarder                              Iron                      present, this is done at the discretion of the Housemaster/
           The chit system is designed to keep a tight rein on pupil   has been ill during the holidays and/or exeat and advise on                         Fridge                    mistress and is regularly reviewed.
           expenditure.                                       medical input received.
                                                                                                                                                           Heater                    SANCTIONS
           MONEY                                              EXTENDED ILLNESS; CARE OF THE                                                                Fan                       Any sanctions taken should lead to reflection of the offence
           There are two Grange bank accounts and all boys are   ILL BOARDER                                                                                                         and encourage a change of behaviour. Punishment is always
           encouraged to use these rather than keep large sums of   All boarders must be registered with the School Medical                                Microwave                 at the discretion of the Housemaster/mistress within the
           money in their rooms. Money can be withdrawn in the   Officer in accordance with school policy on Medical Care.                                 Fairy lights              framework that the Behaviour Policy provides and in all
           evening after prep, or at weekends.                In the event of an extended illness, the pupil will reside                                   (battery operated permitted)   cases the actions of all staff must be in accordance with
                                                              within the Medical Centre under the care of the school                                                                 Millfield disciplinary procedures and the appropriate policy
           The pocket money account is used for minor daily   nurses. If the opinion of the School’s Medical Officer is that                               Non British Standard      for the offence. Recurrent offenders will be referred to
           expenditure as well as take-away treats on a Saturday night,   the physical/mental illness is ongoing and deemed serious                        transformers              Head of Year and, where necessary, a member of the Senior
           or funds for an exeat weekend for example. Cheques for   enough, the pupil will return to their parent/guardian until                           Electric blanket          Leadership Team.
           the pocket money account should be made payable to The   such time that they are well enough to return to school.
           Grange House Pocket Money and deposited with a member   With such incidences, the school medical team, alongside       Further advice is available through the individual   Incidents will always be logged on iSAMS and further
           of house staff at the start of each term. If you prefer to use   the Housemaster/mistress, will be in regular communication   Housemasters/mistresses.                    action agreed. Where a misdemeanour or a pattern
           internet banking, the pocket money account details are as   with parents/guardians to share and discuss medical updates.                                                  of misdemeanours appear to be a reaction to abuse,
           follows:                                                                                                               INTERNET / WIFI / IPADS / LAPTOPS                  appropriate action will be taken in line with the Millfield
                                                              It is the boarders’ responsibility to carry relevant emergency      Mobile devices are an increasing part of people’s work and   Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
           • Account name: The Grange Pocket Money            medication (e.g. Epipen, anti-histamine, inhalers and diabetic      social life, we aim to help pupils to learn to use them in a
                                                              medication) at all times. All houses have areas to securely         positive way. It is important that pupils ensure that mobile   In the case of repeated or serious misdemeanours which
           • Sort Code: 30 98 28                              store first aid equipment and ‘over the counter’ remedies.          devices are used responsibly within the school environment.   disrupt the education of other boarders, the individual
                                                              Boarders’ individual medical records are held in the Medical        All incoming pupils will be required to demonstrate an   concerned may be suspended from school. For overseas
           • Account Number: 01224979                         Centre.                                                             understanding of the school’s Safe & Acceptable ICT Use   boarders, they may be required to serve a period of
                                                                                                                                  Policy.                                            suspension with their UK guardian. If the behaviour does not
           In addition to the pocket money account there is The Grange   ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT                                                                                        improve they may be removed from the House or School
           Account and this is used to pay for some trips, mufti days,   Electrical safety is a constant worry and regulations require   All boarding houses benefit from full wifi wireless access   permanently. This will only take place as a last resort and
           charity events and in-house treats such as pizza nights, quiz   that all electrical appliances are tested. We ask you not to   throughout the house and new pupils will be allocated   after a meeting with the Head.
           nights and for special celebrations like birthdays. We ask that   bring items with loose/exposed wires or adaptors which do   a code to enable them to access this. This access will be
           boys contribute an annual £30 to this account at the start   not meet EU standards. Many overseas adaptors are not     invaluable as pupils will use iPads as part of the school’s   THE HOUSE AND GROUNDS
           of the school year. Any cheques for this account should be   compliant to the UK electrical safety requirements and,   mobile learning policy with technology and education.   The Grange is located just a few minutes’ walk from the
           made payable to The Grange (online banking - sort code 30   during regular fire inspection checks, all illegal adapters are   The wireless access is disabled at appropriate times of the   centre of campus, and is a beautiful and unique house with
                                                                                                                                  evening for different year groups at bed times.

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