Page 5 - The Grange House Handbook
P. 5




                                     Mike joined the Millfield boarding     THE GRANGE STAFF
                                     community in 2013 and has been both    CONTACTS
                                     Live-Out and most recently Resident    Below is the postal address for the house and
                                     Assistant in Joan’s Kitchen House, since   the contact details of the staff. Group Tutors
                                                                            should be the first point of contact for any
                                     September 2016, before taking on the   academic concerns.
                                     role of Housemaster in September 2022.
                                     He teaches Biology, coaches hockey and   Unless unavoidable we would be grateful if
                                     cricket and has worn various hats in his   you could refrain from contacting the boys
                                     time at Millfield, including running a   during prep time (19:00-20:30).
                                     number of MAPs, international trips and
                                     Prep School liaison to name a few. He   ADDRESS
                                                                            The Grange
                                     has extensive experience with the UCAS
           Mike Dobbs-               process and North American University   30-34 Portway
           Housemaster                                                      Street
                                     applications. He comes to the role with   Somerset
                                     a passion for boarding life, specifically   BA16 0SF
                                     seizing every opportunity a fantastic
                                     school such as Millfield offers; his goal is   HOUSEMASTER
                                                                            Mr Mike Dobbs
                                     to allow every member of The Grange to   Home tel: 01458 442929
                                     be the best people they can be, offering   School: 01458444179
                                     value wherever they go.                Email:
                                     Mike is supported by his wife, Katey, who
                                     is a dance teacher, and their two children,   RESIDENT TUTOR AND YEAR 10 GROUP
 There is an intimate family atmosphere at The Grange, with the boarders getting to   Luna (4) and Walter (1) and their dog,   TUTOR
 know each other and the staff very well. House staff strive to create a home-from-  Buddy.  Mr Ben McEwen
 home, providing a relaxed and caring environment which allows everyone to feel safe   Email:
 and respected; in essence, a place the boys will look forward to returning to at the end   Ben is a Business teacher and works
 of a busy ‘Millfield School’ day.   on hockey and cricket in the school.   LIASION TUTOR
                                     He has previously been
 The Grange is closely linked with Shapwick House, a larger boys’ house for Years 10-
 13 opposite the main campus, and they join for a variety of house activities, games   Houseparent of Mill (Boys Day   MATRONS
 and socials. Additionally, Lower Sixth student tutor groups are combined. Mr Tristan   house) and Acacia (Girls Boarding).   Elaine Nelson and Emma Vickery
 Kingsford, who led the Grange for four years before becoming Shapwick’s Housemas-  Ben is on duty on Wednesday  Email:
 ter, also has oversight of The Grange house. The Grange boys have much to gain from   and Friday nights and three
 this partnership and will have great strength by collaborating, whilst also retaining a   weekends per term.  Elaine and Emma look after
 distinct identity – the best of both worlds.                               the day-to-day running of the house. They are
                                                                            wonderful human beings
                                                                            with pateience in abundance, and all those in
           Ben McEwen -                                                     The Grange wouldn't know
           Resident Tutor and Year 10 Group Tutor                           what to do without them!

                                     Kieran is a swimming instructor and
                                     is on duty on Tuesday nights.

                                                                                               HOUSE HANDBOOK

 4  HOUSE HANDBOOK  Kieran Smith -                                                               HOUSE HANDBOOK  5 5
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