P. 67
Categories of Scholars
1. Regular Scholars
1. Regular scholars are those faculty who are on their doctoral studies and
shall be on fulltime and official business (OB) basis.
2. The number of scholarship slots under the Regular Scholars
(Fulltime/Official Business) is identified/set by the University President
after the ascertaining availability of funds.
3. They shall receive the following benefits/privileges from the University:
o Monthly salary, ACA/PERA, thirteenth month pay, cash gift, and
other remuneration as provided by law.
o Tuition and other school and miscellaneous fees,
o Monthly stipend of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00)
o Book allowance of Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) for Masters
and Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000,00) for doctorate student
o Dissertation support of Twenty Thousand Pesos (Php 20,000.00).
Upon the request of the scholar, the 50% shall be released only after
the submission of a copy of the dissertation proposal duly approved
by the scholar’s Advisory Committee and the other 50% shall be
released upon submission of the scholar’s original transcript of
records and a copy of his dissertation/book. The request shall be
endorsed by the Chairperson of the FSDC for the approval of the
University President.
2. Partial Scholars
1. Partial scholars are those personnel who are on their masters, doctoral or
post-doctoral studies with scholarship grants from other sponsoring
entities who shall be on full time and “official time” (OT) basis shall receive
the following benefits/privileges from the University:
o Monthly salary, ACA/PERA, thirteenth month pay, cash gift, and
other remuneration as provided by law.
o There will be no limit for the number of Partial Scholars
(Fulltime/Official Time) provided grantees have secured scholarships
from other funding source and provided the interest of the University
is not adversely affected.
3. Special Grantees
1. Special grantees are those in the active service who are permitted to
pursue graduate studies during regular working hours/off-
hours/weekends. Specifically, special grantees shall be covered by any
one of the following:
o Professional Development incentive Program (PDIP).
o An unextendible leave of absence with pay for one semester but to
finish the degree within one year from the start of the grant; or