Page 29 - 2022 SCHOLARSHIP AWARD E-BOOK1_Spread
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High School - Martin Luther King Jr Senior High School
Community Service
Thanksgiving Food Drive, Reading to Kids, Adopt a Family for Christmas, Feeding the Homeless,
Healthy Greek Walk, Martin Luther King Parade, Toy Drive, Cleaning Neighborhood with Church
Personal Achievements
Vice President Southfield Kappa League, NHS member, Football
-Track and Field, Honor Roll,
Principal Award Perfect Attendance.
College Attending Morehouse College
COMMUNITY GREW UP- Detroit Michigan
MAJOR- Dual- Degree Engineering
CAREER ASPIRATIONS– That I will develop and grow every step of the way. Which will lead to
the path of success.
This scholarship will aid me financially and academically by relieving some of my financial
burdens so I can concentrate more on my studies.
I am definitely willing to come back and volunteer because I have a passion for aid others in