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             High School - Martin Luther King Jr Senior High School

             Community Service
                   Thanksgiving Food Drive, Reading to Kids, Adopt a Family for Christmas, Feeding the Homeless,

                    Healthy Greek Walk, Martin Luther King Parade, Toy Drive, Cleaning Neighborhood with Church

             Personal Achievements

                   Vice President Southfield Kappa League, NHS member, Football
-Track and Field, Honor Roll,
                    Principal Award Perfect Attendance.

             College Attending Morehouse College


                   COMMUNITY GREW UP- Detroit Michigan
                   MAJOR- Dual- Degree Engineering
                   CAREER ASPIRATIONS– That I will develop and grow every step of the way. Which will lead to

                    the path of success.
                   This scholarship will aid me financially and academically by relieving some of my financial
                    burdens so I can concentrate more on my studies.
                    I am definitely willing to come back and volunteer because I have a passion for aid others in

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