Page 24 - 2022 SCHOLARSHIP AWARD E-BOOK1_Spread
P. 24
∙STAYING COMMITTED TO ACHIEVEMENT Academic Success, Individual Development, and Spiritual
I think graduating from college is an important great accomplishment for me because having an opportuni-
ty to be the very first person in my family to further my education is amazing to me and to my family. I
think everyone needs to go to college because going can greatly affect the path and the route your life is
going to take after high school. College life can also prepare me, both intellectually and socially, when find
new connections with students and teachers. Finding people with the same interest can also help me with
getting better jobs in the future and better connections in the field of my desire. I figure out how to man-
age time, time to relax, and time not to. I can build strong study habits and even build a strong network of
like-minded people. It would be deleterious to myself and my family. The future goals/life I have for myself
after college is to make sure that I have a set business and internship for my profession “Computer Sci-
ence.” I want to make sure that my future life is not going to the streets but rather going to college to
make a life for myself. I want to make sure that I will be a productive citizen of the country and that I won’t
be the same stereotypical African American Teen. I desire to be the manager or boss of others. I aspire to
be self-employed in the “Computer Science” field. After college life lets you pivot as much as you want. You
can literally start something and stop something whenever you want to and you can continue to progress
through life. New opportunities will always be right around the corner, as long as you seek them out, be-
cause there are always multiple paths and never a dead end to your goal in life/success.
“Young Leaders; Inspiring The Community And Making An Impact”