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COLLEGE -3.6 GPA after Sophomore year, HIGH SCHOOL -3.97 GPA, National Honors Society 2018-2020
Economics AP Distinction at Troy Athens High School 2018, Scholar-Athlete Award at Troy Athens High
School 2016-2019, Nominated for MLK Day of Service Award by Principal Lara Dixon, Troy Athens High
School, December 2019, Delivered Keynote speech at MLK Day of Service Ceremony, January 2020,
Track (Varsity), AAU Basketball, Freshman, Sophomore and Senior Varsity Basketball at Troy Athens
High School.
COMMUNITY SERVICE -President, Youth Advisory Board for the Yunion, Inc. 2018-Present Youth
Advisory Board Member for the Yunion, Inc. 2016-2018, Advisory Board Member for the Community
Foundation for Southeast, Michigan 2017-2020, Member of the Midnight Golf Program 2019-2020,
Pontiac Kappa League Member 2019-2020
PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS -I received an all-expense-paid three-day trip to Washington DC. I was
granted the opportunity to attend the Leadership & Sexual Risk Avoidance
Youth Summit, which included attending a live U.S. Congressional hearing. There, I met with the Michi-
gan Congressional Delegation. I presented to three Michigan
Congressional Delegates, (one U.S. Senator and two U.S. House of Representatives.)
After introductions, I used four minutes to advocate for abstinence programming and sexual at-risk ed-
ucation funding
COLLEGE ATTENDING –University Of Michigan