P. 33

Life is a computer                                                    A SMILE

                                                                  A smile is quite a funny thing,
      Life is a computer,
                                                                  It wrinkles up your face.

      At times slow                                               And when it’s gone

      And annoying with                                           You’ll never find

                                                                  Its secret hiding place.
      Pop ups, black outs
                                                                  But far more wonderful it is
      Viruses but also is
                                                                  To see what smiles can do.
      Very good with Facebook
                                                                  You smile at one,
      My space twitter and you                                    He smiles at you,

      Can get all your information.                               And so one smile                   NABIYA

                                                                  Makes two.
      You can read a thousand                                                                             X-L
      Books with a click of a mouse
                                                                            NATURE IS EVERYWHERE                 X-L

      Right at your fingertips.                                   Nature is everywhere.

      So there are always pop ups                                 Nature is everywhere you go.

                                                                  Everything that lives and grows
      But all you have to do is keep
                                                                  Is nature. Animals
      Going and they will go away.
                                                                  Big and small.
      Just remember that
                                                                  Nature is plants that grow so tall.
      Life is a computer.                                         Nature is beautiful in every way.

                                     Saniya Ziyauddin             Wonderful, exciting

                                                                  And need our care.

                                                                  So listen, learn and do your part to

                                                                  Keep nature
                                                                                       NIDA NAAZ ANSARI
                                                                  Beautiful forever.
                                                                                             NIDA NAAZ ANSARI
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