Page 51 - Minerva Foods Sustainability Report 2016
P. 51

Commitment/Organization G4-15 Steering Committee of the Brazilian Round-
table on Sustainable Livestock (BRSL)
Public Livestock Commitment – known as the meat moratorium – Greenpeace
NGO Repórter Brasil
National Pact to Eradicate Slave Labor
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Standards
Resolution 1854
Conduct Modi cation Agreement for Sustain- able Livestock Farming
Organization whose mission is to promote sustainable livestock development through articulation of the chain, continued improvement and dissemination of information.
Adhesion to "Minimum Criteria for Industrial Scale Cattle Operations and Beef Products in the Amazon Biome."
Identi es situations and makes them public where labor rights are violated and which cause social and environmental damage, aimed at mobilizing social, political and economic leaders to build a society that respects human rights and that is more just, equal and democratic.
Initiative aimed at promoting the prevention and eradication of slave labor in national and international companies' production chains.
Provide guidelines on how to identify, help, prevent, minimize and manage risks and impacts, in order to have sustainable business.
Establishes social and environmental guidelines and criteria for the Brazilian Devel- opment Bank (BNDES) to support the cattle farming sector.
Commitment backed by the Federal Prosecution Of ce of Pará.
Animal welfare
G4-DMA Animal welfare
One of the guiding pillars at the Company in re- lation to sustainable livestock farming is geared towards development of animal welfare practic- es. Minerva Foods follows strict standards in its product chains, complying with various prac- tices and management actions to preserve ani- mals. In this sense, the Company is committed to humane slaughter and maintains animal wel- fare programs at all of its units that are carried out by specialized companies, such as WPA, BEA Consultoria and SBC, which have special- ists with vast experience in this area, complying with all national and international laws.
To guarantee this principle, Minerva Foods began the certi cation process with the Pro- fessional Animal Auditor Certi cation Orga- nization (PAACO), a North American orga- nization that trains and educates auditors that are internationally recognized in the animal

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