Page 66 - Minerva Foods Sustainability Report 2016
P. 66

2016 Sustainability Report
• Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) compulsory labor black list (Directive No. 540/2004, dated 10/15/2004).
• List of areas under Ibama embargo (Ibama Directive No. 19, dated 07/02/2008 and De- cree No. 6,321/2007).
• Funai list of declared indigenous areas. (See more information on human rights indi- cators in the GRI Indicators Annex.)
Recruitment and selection
Minerva Foods uses a competency-based management model when admitting workers during the recruitment and selection process- es. A comparative analysis is also done between the positions and place of origin of the workers, so as to allow for workers to be located in their native communities in some cases.
 e admissions process includes an institution- al video and Distance Learning (DL), as well as receipt of an Employee Manual and the Code of Ethical Conduct. New employees also undergo orientation in the sector where they will work.
Compensation and bene ts
G4-DMA Market presence | G4-DMA Equal remuneration for wom- en and men
According to the internal Compensation Pro- cedure, available on the intranet, employees receive  xed compensation, consistent with their responsibilities and according to individ- ual performance and pegged to the Company's economic development. Base salary amounts are established by law (minimum wage, collec- tive bargaining agreements) and guided by the market.  ere is no wage disparity by gender or discrimination of any nature.  e lowest salary paid at all Minerva Foods units corresponds to the national minimum wage, which in 2016 was R$880.00. G4-EC5
Among other things, the bene ts package in- cludes a dental plan – with treatments at reduced costs in relation to the market, restaurants with subsidized pricing and, at some units, meal sti- pends, grocery stipends and transportation, in addition to other bene ts required by law, in conventions and in collective bargaining agree- ments executed with unions, which cover 100% of workers. G4-11 | G4-LA2
In 2017, changes are planned to the compensa-
Human Capital – Constant
ef ciency and development G4-DMA Employment
To improve the Company's operational results, the Human Resources area began restructuring in 2016, which included a review of organiza- tional processes to assure good employee man- agement, suitable compensation and e ciency across the production chain. Career model en- hancement programs were also launched, based on competencies and the Winning Attitude pro- gram, in synergy with the Company's values and goals in the short, medium and long terms.
All of these measures bene tted the 12,825 di- rect workers with the Company at the end of the year, in Brazil and abroad, of whom 9,269 were men and 3,556 were women, making active con- tributions to the performance of the business. Of this total, 8,002 were on the sta  at industrial units in Brazil, with contracts governed by the Consolidated Labor Laws (CLT) and in line with a policy of valuing and respecting di erences.  e turnover rate for the year was 3.55%, down by 28% from the year before. G4-10

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