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Death and Injury Investigations – AFI-LLC – June 2024                                         6 of 7

                                     Books from Associates in Forensic Investigations

           Visit for
         book details and ordering your personalized
                copy direct from our agency.

              Save 20% and no shipping fees!

        Together Dean and Karen have written three
        books specifically for Professional
        Investigators – the basics for all
        investigations, protocols of legal
        investigations, and specialized area of death
        and serious bodily injury investigations.

                                  Coming late summer – revised Legal Investigations textbook!
               8.5x11” color expanded with updated and new chapters covering current trends in legal investigations!
                                        Reduced price to current publisher ($95 vs. $170)!

             Also available! 2nd Edition – Death and Serious Bodily Injury Investigation for the Professional Investigator!
                          8.5x11” color expanded with over 100 additional pages of educational content!
                                           Same price and new digital book available!

              FREE Distance Learning Webinar for June: Private Investigator Standards of Practice & Ethics

                                       Each month one of our core training videos is FREE to download and view, or listen to
                                       as a podcast.
                                       (registration on the course platform is required – excludes CEs and certificate)

                                       “Private Investigator Standards of Practice & Ethics”

                                       Understand the importance of standards of practice, and related ethics, in protecting
                                       yourself, your agency, and your client – as well as our profession.

        Standards of practice, and related ethics, are essential business protections and are often required in licensing
        programs, association memberships, and certification processes. The guidance provided here is fairly universal and
        professional standards all investigators must follow, particularly if retained by an attorney as their agent. A violation of
        ethics can be harmful to a case or relationship, even professional licensure can be disciplined for a violation. For these
        reasons, it is important that all parties to the relationship are made aware of these ethics and are guided by them.

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