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Death and Injury Investigations – AFI-LLC – June 2024                                         7 of 7

                                               Association News and Events

         National Association of Legal Investigators (NALI)   World Assoc of Detectives (WAD)   MAPI (Minnesota)
         06/21-06/23 Annual Conference       09/24-09/29 Annual Meeting          Sept 2024 Annual Conference
         Tulsa OK                            Kuala Lumpur                        (TBD)                             

         TALI (Texas)                        Nat’l Council of Inv & Sec Services (NCISS)   PPIAC (Colorado)
         10/03-10/06 Annual Conference       Annual Meeting                      2024 Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference
         Arlington TX                        Arlington TX                        09/15 to 09/17                        Details coming soon – thanks to TALI for hosting!   The Origin Hotel in Westminster, CO

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        Visit for details to join each association and for special member discounts
        and association revenue sharing donations.

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