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Parallel Death Investigations - AFI-LLC Newsletter November 2021
Each month our agency publishes an interactive and informative newsletter for
clients and colleagues. Our newsletters cover news from associations and our
profession – from training and conferences, to legislative. We also cover our
services in the areas of Expert Legal Investigations and Medicolegal
Consultations of Personal Injury, Negligence and Death in Civil, Criminal and
Probate litigation.
The current issue is posted at
Our Anniversaries – Thanks for the Special Messages
Last month our agency celebrated 34 years, and we celebrated our own 30 years together! Time flies, things change,
kids grow and grandkids happen and grow! We celebrated both events thinking back to so much in our lives. From very
humble beginnings together to watching our daughters – older now than we were then – also accomplishing so much.
Watching our grandkids – now in the age group our daughters were when I met Karen and them – also accomplishing so
much in school – from kindergarten to middle school, academics and sports.
We have much to be Thankful for. It is fitting our celebrations of October go right into the holiday seasons of Thanks,
and the importance of family. To each of you – Thank You for your friendship, and we wish you and your families the
best throughout the year.
NEW commentary: Parallel Death Investigations
A ‘parallel’ investigation is a private investigation concurrent to an official investigation – this may be civil or criminal,
and may involve motor vehicle collisions, missing persons, serious bodily injury and death – any type of investigation.
Q - I am looking for a retired homicide investigator in to run a parallel investigation to a current law enforcement
investigation into a death. The client suspects homicide but law enforcement may not be agreeing with that assessment.
A - Parallel doesn't work. With an open case there is too much unknown information and evidence. Also putting the cart
before the horse - first see if they determine homicide or other (just because client suspects something doesn't make it
so, or that law enforcement won't find what they suspect). Having done hundreds of family questioned deaths – it is
best to wait and see what the official findings are, then get their evidence to know what to work with. Also, if it's
homicide a parallel investigation could taint a successful prosecution.
Why? -- see below for more information and link to this commentary
NEW Case Study - Injured Party Reported as At Fault & Victim in Vehicle Crash (Legal Investigation)
Our agency was retained by a plaintiff’s attorney representing an injured party from a motor vehicle collision. The
attorney’s client was cut off by the adverse driver and forced a sudden stop resulting in rear-ending the adverse driver;
and resulting in serious injuries and extensive vehicle damage – the adverse driver was not hurt and had minimal
damage. Law enforcement investigated and cited the adverse driver as at fault, including admission on scene, and
pleading guilty at court. However, the insurance company denied liability because 1) it was a rear-end collision and they
determined the injured driver was following too close; and 2) the Traffic Accident Report (TAR) did not list their insured
as at fault – or identified at all in the report. What Happened? Visit
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