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Parallel Death Investigations - AFI-LLC Newsletter November 2021
-- What happened in these cases? See more details and outcome at
Suspicious Death - 10 Years to Settle All Denied Insurance Claims (Expert Consultations)
The decedent, a law enforcement officer, was found by officers of an overlapping jurisdiction. The official investigation
was conducted by the decedent’s employing agency, who had jurisdiction. Extensive photographs, records and reports
were provided for review, including multiple re-enactment videos and photographs from experts retained by the law
enforcement agency and family. Review of the provided photographs, records and reports provided several concerns
Why did this case make national and international news about the back story to this officer’s murder? Details on our site!
False Reports of Victim to Attorney (Expert Consultation)
Filed in federal court, allegations included teacher witnessed bullying, forced rape, failure to report by school
authorities, failure to investigate by law enforcement, and victim self-reported inability to get pregnant due to sustained
injuries from rape. The investigation was hampered due to the successful petitioning of the school district to restrict
access of law enforcement records of the official investigation. There were several factual discrepancies with the report
of forced rape.
What did Karen uncover and how? Details on our site!
Is YOUR Association Participating? Associations Member Discounts and Donations to Associations
Visit for details to join each association and for special member discounts
and association revenue sharing donations. Other state associations continue to express interest – be sure and tell your
associations you want a higher discount and revenue sharing donations for your association!
Association Partnership Program Members:
Indiana Association of Professional Investigations (IAPI),
Ohio Association of Security & Investigation Services (OASIS), Iowa Association of
Private Investigators (IAPI), Professional Private Investigators Association of
Colorado (PPIAC), National Council of Investigation & Security Services (NCISS),
Minnesota Private Investigators Association (MAPI), Private Investigators
Association of Idaho (PIAI), Arizona Association of Licensed Private Investigators
(AALPI), and Inland North West Private Investigators Association (INWPIA).
Others pending their Board approval!
Associations – Looking for Member Benefits? No Cost and Receive Revenue
Sharing Donations!
Details and FAQs are here –
Association members contact your association leadership for the exclusive discount code, or encourage them to join. This
Discount-Revenue Program offers the best discounts for association members, and we send a matching donation directly
to the association monthly. Contact us today - there is NO cost to any association or members!
Members of any international, national or state investigative association can receive a standard 10% discount. We
strongly encourage you to join and support your associations – they support you. Contact us today for details!
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