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Parallel Death Investigations - AFI-LLC Newsletter November 2021

        Equivocal Death and Serious Bodily Injury Investigations for the Professional Investigator Webinar Series
        Not ready for the Certified Forensic Death Investigator (CFDI) Program?
        Are you ready to add more value to your legal investigations and clients?

        This expanded introductory course is an advanced investigative specialty in high demand. Now including full video
        PowerPoint / speaker series of comprehensive videos, and our traditional text-based course. Over 12 hours of combined
        study / Continuing Education. The downloadable text-based also serves as a valuable resource guide for your cases.

        Developed for all legal investigators looking to improve their knowledge in Equivocal Death Investigations, including
        non-fatal Serious Bodily Injuries, for civil and criminal litigation.

        This is also a pre-requisite for the CFDI Program in development with a leading training association. All materials must be
        followed to successfully pass the 150-question course exam (70% or better) and receive a Certificate of Advanced Course

        View the informational video, and course details, at

        “I thought the presentations were outstanding - and that you can recite the information is scary awesome. I love
        everything about crime scene processing, particularly EDI/SBI cases. It is a discipline not for everyone, but always enjoyed
        the challenges of these cases.”
        – Marc Dolphin, CFDI Candidate – Military Commissions Defense Organization (DOD)

        “Thank you for your time and effort on producing and then grading this line of study. I’m sure your effort in putting this
        together was massive. Thank you both for all you do.”
        – Al Norris, CFDI (Charter) - Providence-Specialized Investigative Solutions (MI)

        The pre-requisite Equivocal Death / Serious Bodily Injury (SBI) Investigations for Professional Investigators Certificate
        Course and the CFDI Program are about 40 hours of Death / SBI Investigations curriculum. Expand your value today!
        -- CFDI Program details at

        New Commentary: Parallel Death Investigations
                                      A ‘parallel’ investigation is a private investigation concurrent to an official investigation
                                      – this may be civil or criminal, and may involve motor vehicle collisions, missing
                                      persons, serious bodily injury and death – just about any type of investigation.

                                      There are times a concurrent, or parallel, investigation is warranted – suspected civil
                                      rights violations is one common example. However, those times and reasons are rare.
                                      Most often the request is because there is a strong belief 1) the decedent would not
                                      cause themselves harm; and 2) the decedent’s significant other would. Our process is
        concerned with two things: 1) determining the Manner of Death by the evidence; and 2) a person is not wrongfully
        charged or convicted.

        -- continued at

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