Page 5 - How to play life to your advantage -print
P. 5
clearly advertising something about myself that wasn't actually who I was deep down
inside. And what it triggered me to do was start taking some responsibility in my life
for the outcomes that I was experiencing.
It's funny how sometimes overtime while we live our lives we get disheartened by life
and we start losing faith in the possibility that we could actually live the life of our
dreams if we chose to.
One thing that I had to really come to terms with at some stage during this process
was I had to acknowledge the reality that until that situation happened where I had
been taken advantage of by a married guy I hadn't genuinely given my dreams 100%
of my attention and my effort. The thing I had to come to terms with in my own mind
was the truth that I hadn't even tried at my life yet. I had just been bumbling along not
taking anything too seriously not really knowing who I was, why I was here or where I
was going.
Much like a leaf in the wind I would simply blow with wherever the wind took me. I
was a carefree person who tended to go with the flow and trust in the flow of life.
The truth was I didn't have very high self-esteem as a person. And when I say self-
esteem what I really mean is that I lacked a deep sense of self-worth.
I realised I had to start taking responsibility for the outcomes of my life but if I was
being totally honest with myself I didn't know where to start or how to go on that
journey. When I looked around me at the role models in my life all I saw were people