Page 7 - How to play life to your advantage -print
P. 7

come a long way. I am a strong believer that in order to truly live your best life you

               need to take a psycho-social bio-physical spiritual approach to improving your life.

               When I say that what I mean is healthy body = healthy mind = healthy relationships =

               healthy mindset. When we start making better choices in one area of our lives we need

               to be making better choices in all areas of our lives so that the whole of us is slowly

               stepping one step at a time towards the life of our dreams.

               Now this book isn't for everyone. You may already be living the life of your dreams. If

               you are, that's amazing! I can congratulate you.

               If you are like me though, you didn't have the most holistic upbringing to enable you

               to  really  succeed  in  this  world.  Maybe  you  don't  have  the  self-esteem  or  self

               confidence that allows you to feel like it is okay for you to just be yourself in life. I'm

               here to bring you the good news. In order for you to really live the life of your dreams

               or start moving towards the life of your dreams you get to be you. That's right. The

               only way that you can truly succeed at your life is if you are willing to go on the journey

               of embracing who you really are and what you really want despite what the rest of the

               world says you should be or what you should want .

               The great news is that you have everything within you that you need in order to go on

               this  journey.  And  you  already  have  all  the  tools  within  you  that  you  will  need  to

               succeed at your life.

               All you need to do now is pick up some new ideas on how to develop your skills and

               hone in on listening to who you are deep inside. What it is you really want. And why it

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