Page 11 - MSD-CareerActionPlan2019-2020
P. 11

General Education Concurrent Credit Classes

        The concurrent enrollment program provides enrichment and program acceleration opportunities to outstanding high school juniors
        and seniors who have demonstrated the ability to do satisfactory college level work while still enrolled at MHS. Courses in
        the 35-hour general education core transfer to all Arkansas public institutions and many other public and private institutions as well.
        Students should confirm transferability with the institutions of choice and verify the number of concurrent enrollment hours accepted

        Course Tuition and Fees                                 Goldsby Scholarship
         In- County Tuition              $95 per semester hour   This scholarship supports increased access to higher education
         Assessment Fee:                  $2 per semester hour   by providing  funds to support the enrollment of qualified high
         Technology Fee:                 $10 per semester hour   school  students  from  Crittenden  and  surrounding  Arkansas
         Student Activities Fee:                                     $2 per semester hour   counties in ASU Mid-South courses, which will also be counted
                                                                as credits toward high school graduation. Qualified high school
         Career Services Fee:             $2 per semester hour   juniors and seniors must be enrolled in at least two (2) General
         Campus Safety Fee:                $5 per semester hour   Ed  courses  for  each Fall  and  Spring semester.  Students may
         Student Support Fee:                                               $5 per semester   choose  from  ASU  Mid-South  courses  approved  by  their  high
                                                                school  principal  that  will  count  toward  high  school  graduation
                                                                requirements. Equal access to the Goldsby High School Schol-
        Requirements                                            arship will be provided to all students without regard to financial
                                                                ability. Recipients must reapply for the scholarship each semes-
          Maintain an overall high school GPA of 2.75. Students who   ter.
          have  previously  completed  college  courses  must  have  a
          college  GPA  of  3.0.  (3.0  GPA  is  required  for  the  Goldsby
          Scholarship. Other students may attend and pay for courses.)   Application Process
          Students must have qualifying minimum scores on accepted
          placement tests:                                      1.  Present  ACT  (or  equivalent  SAT,  ASSET  or  Accuplacer)
                                                                    scores consistent with college-level placement in the sub-
                                                                    ject area in which they wish to enroll.  Students enrolling in
                                                                    English  or  mathematics  or  courses  which  have  college
                         Reading    English    Math                 English or math prerequisites must also have a high school
                                                                    GPA of 3.0 in the related subject area.
             ACT           19+        19+      19+
                                                                2.  Complete the Goldsby Scholarship Online Application.
             Accuplacer   251+       251+      249+
             Next Gen                                 
             Asset         43+        45+      39+
             SAT          470+       470+      460+             3.  Submit all documents to ASU Mid-South Admissions:
                                                                    test scores, shot records, and high school transcript.
             Compass       83+        80+      41+

            For a list of current general education courses offerings at ASU Mid-South, go to

            For a list of concurrent credit courses and their high school equivalents, go to the

             CAP page on the MHS website:

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