Page 16 - MSD-CareerActionPlan2019-2020
P. 16

Page 16                                                                     Career Action Planning 2021-2022

        Foreign Language

        French I                                                Spanish I

        10th, 11th, 12th                      1 year, 1 credit   10th, 11th, 12th                    1 year, 1 credit
        Highly recommended:                “C” or better in English   Highly Recommended                   “C” or better in English

        French  1  offers  students  opportunities  to  experience  listening,   In  Spanish  I,  students  will  learn  the  basics  of  the  language
        reading, writing, speaking and culture at a novice level.  Students   through  music,  movement,  sign  language  and  gestures,  and
        will also learn basic communication skills.  Topics covered in first-  storytelling. Students will learn basic communication skills with
        year French include family, day and date information, food and   an early emphasis on listening. Reading, speaking, and writing
        meals, people and possessions, buying clothing and leisure time   are  also  developed  throughout  the  year.  Students  will  explore
        activities.  Students will explore the culture of the Francophone   Hispanic  cultures  from  many  countries  through  projects,  read-
        world through projects, reading and discussion of historical and   ing,  and  discussion  of  historical  and  current  events.  Unan-
        current events.   A variety of oral activities, in-class discussions   nounced quizzes, writing and speaking tests are used to assess
        and reading/writing tests are used to assess students’ progress.   students’ progress. There are no prerequisites for Spanish I, but
        There  are  no  prerequisites  for  French  I,  but  a  strong  English   a strong English background is beneficial.
        background is beneficial.
                                                                Spanish II
        French II                                               10th, 11th, 12th                     1 year, 1 credit
                                                                Prerequisites:                             Spanish I
        10th, 11th, 12th                     1 year, 1 credit   Highly recommended:         “C” or better in Spanish I
        Prerequisites:                              French I
        Highly recommended:                “C” or better in French I   Spanish II students continue to improve speaking and listening
                                                                skills through storytelling. Students continue to build vocabulary
        In French 2, students continue to build vocabulary and begin to   and begin to communicate in past and future tenses. Reading
        communicate in the past and future tenses.  The primary focus of   and writing continue to be important for input and assessment.
        this class centers on developing longer conversational exchang-  Research  projects  utilize  technology  to  help  students  share
        es  and  reading  for  meaning  and  pleasure.    Topics  covered  in   what they have learned about Hispanic cultures. Discussion of
        second-year French include daily routines, traveling to and within   current  events helps  students  understand  the connections be-
        French-speaking  countries,  athletics  and  childhood  memories.    tween  themselves  and  the  Spanish-speaking  world.  Unan-
        Research projects utilize technology to help students share what   nounced  quizzes,  writing,  and  speaking  tests  are  used  to  as-
        they  have  learned  about  French  culture  in  the  Francophone   sess student progress.
        world.   Discussions of current  events help students understand
        the  connection  between  themselves  and  the  French-speaking   Spanish III
        world.                                                  11th, 12th                           1 year, 1 credit
                                                                                                         Spanish I, II
        French III                                              Prerequisites:            “B” or better in Spanish I, II
                                                                Highly recommended:
        11th, 12th                                                    1 year, 1 credit
        Prerequisites:                                                       French  I,  II   For students who are motivated to move beyond the standard
        Highly recommended:                “B” or better in French II   levels of language study, Spanish III provides the opportunity to
                                                                expand knowledge of vocabulary and explore advanced gram-
        For  students  who  are  motivated  to  move  beyond  the  standard   mar  structures  through  oral  storytelling  and  reading.  Further
        levels  of  language  study,  French  3  provides  the  opportunity  to   emphasis is placed on the development of the four basic skills-
        expand  knowledge  of  vocabulary,  explore  advanced  grammar   reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  The focus of this class
        structures, and deepen understanding of French culture around   is  on  the  continued  development  of  Spanish  language  skills
        the world.  Further emphasis is placed on the development of the   through the study and discussion of authentic readings in His-
        four basic skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.  Discus-  panic  literature.  Research  projects  may  be  required.  In  class,
        sions,  projects,  compositions  and  other  writings  are  used  to   students are expected to communicate in Spanish when possi-
        demonstrate understanding of the culture and language.  Much of   ble. Unannounced quizzes, writing and speaking tests are used
        the class is conducted in French and students are expected to   to assess student progress.
        communicate in French when possible.


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