Page 18 - MSD-CareerActionPlan2019-2020
P. 18

Page 18                                                                     Career Action Planning 2021-2022

         Fine Arts

         Music                                                    Band
                                                                  10th, 11th, 12th                     1 year, 1 credit
         Choir  and  Band  are  year-long  courses.  Grades  are  based  on   Prerequisite   Band Director approval or tryout
         participation,  attendance,  performance  exams,  rehearsals,  and
         performance.                                             Emphasis  is  on  playing  and  marching  fundamentals.  This  en-
                                                                  semble will perform at football games, marching contests, con-
                                                                  certs, parades, and the region concert festival. Each student will
         Class Piano                                              have the opportunity to audition for all-region band and partici-
         10th, 11th, 12th                             1 Year, 1 credit   pate in solos and ensembles. Attendance at all rehearsals and
                                                                  performances is required.  Band is a year-long course.  Grades
         Class Piano is designed for the student who is planning on ma-  are  based  on  participation  and  attendance  at  rehearsals  and
         joring in music or pursuing a musical career.  Students do not   performances as well as playing test and other written assign-
         need any prior piano experience to take this class.      ments. In addition, all students, including transfer students, will
                                                                  be required to complete a playing audition to be eligible for en-
         Mixed Choir                                              rollment in the Marion Band Program.

         10th, 11th,12th                     1 year, 1 credit
         Prerequisite:                             Audition       Jazz Band
                                                                  10th, 11th, 12th                     1 year, 1 credit
         Emphasis is on the study of music through performance of cho-  Prerequisite:                        Audition
         ral  literature  from  all  historical  periods.    This  is  an  auditioned
         ensemble which performs advanced choral literature.  The choir   This course is offered by audition to any student who is also
         performs  four  concerts  each  year,  along  with  participation  in   enrolled in band and successfully completes the audition pro-
         clinics, contests, regional and state events.  Attendance at con-  cess. For those musicians who play instruments not currently
         certs and contests is required.                          part of the band program ( guitar, bass guitar, piano) auditions
         Female Choir                                             will be held prior to CAP Conferences.  Jazz Band instrumenta-
                                                                  tion includes piano, trap set, rhythm and bass guitar along with
         10th, 11th,12th                     1 year, 1 credit     saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. The Jazz Band learns many
         Prerequisite:                             Audition       new musical styles in a traditional big band setting. Much time is
                                                                  invested in learning and interpreting chord symbols as well as
         Emphasis  is  on  performance  and  individual  student  improve-  required attendance at several public performances. No student
         ment. This ensemble is active in the same concerts and events   will be placed in jazz band without the successful completion of
         as Mixed Choir and Select Ladies Choir. Attendance at concerts   the audition process.
         and contests is required.

                                                                  Music Appreciation
                                                                  10th, 11th, 12th               1 semester, 1/2 credit

                                                                  The purpose of the fine arts-music course is to increase the
                                                                  students’ sensitivity and knowledge of music and its history.
                                                                  Instruction includes elements of music; music history, including
                                                                  baroque, medieval, classical, romantic, impressionist, and twen-
                                                                  tieth century; characteristics of music from specific historical
                                                                  periods; and music production.

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