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Career Action Planning 2021-2022 Page 23
Pre-Calculus AP Statistics
11th, 12th 1 year, 1 credit 11th, 12th 1 year, 1 credit
Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II
This is a college preparatory course which gives students an in- This two-semester fourth-year course is designed for stu-
depth study of the six trigonometric functions and how they can dents who have completed Algebra II. Statistics may be tak-
be used to solve right triangles. Students learn basic definitions en before, in place of, or concurrently with other fourth-year
and formulas, solve all types of triangles and real-world applica- mathematics. Statistics provides students with an under-
tion of trigonometry. Opportunities are given to students to standing of the concepts of mathematics analysis and normal
demonstrate their understanding by writing and solving their curve distribution and measures of variability. This course
own application problems using graphing calculators and work- satisfies the proficiency requirement for those students who
ing in cooperative learning groups. Students are encouraged to need to develop their numeric and statistical literacy. Statis-
become problem-solvers, critical thinkers, and decision-makers. tics information about your city or town, gathered from local
Topics also covered include polar coordinates, complex num- news sources, social agencies, and the U.S. Census, is used
bers, conic sections, sequences and series, and probability. as a vehicle to investigate ways of collecting, displaying, and
The TI-83 graphing calculator is used extensively in solving analyzing data. Basic statistical topics such as percentiles,
problems. the normal distribution, standard deviation, and fitting curves
to data will be studied through analysis of the city’s statistics.
To develop a student’s critical sense in reading numerical
information, the course will discuss ways of expressing quan-
titative data numerically, via percentages, and proportions,
12th 1 year, 1 credit and visually, using tables, graphs, and charts.
Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry,
Algebra II, and Pre-Calculus
The Calculus AB course is primarily concerned with developing
the students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus and
providing experience with its methods and applications. The
course emphasizes a multi-representational approach to calcu-
lus, with concepts, results, and problems being expressed
graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally.
Marion High School ACT Code:
ACT Test Dates for 2021-2022
September 11, 2021
October 23, 2021
December 11, 2021
February 5, 2022
April 9, 2022
June 11, 2022
July 16, 2022
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