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Page 24 Career Action Planning 2021-2022
Biology-Integrated Physics
10th 1 year, 1 credit 11th, 12th 1 year, 1 credit
Prerequisite: Algebra Ii
Biology is the standard entry-level science course for sopho-
mores. The course is laboratory-centered and investigates the Physics is a physical science course investigating the relation-
major themes of biological science including: the nature of the ships (through rigorous calculations) between matter and ener-
cell, the chemistry of living systems, inheritance and a study of gy. The ultimate goal of Physics is to explain the physical uni-
DNA, plant and animal anatomy and physiology, and classifica- verse in terms of basic interactions and single particles. The
tion of living things. The course may require reading and writing areas studied are classic mechanics (forces of Newton’s Laws
assignments, dissections, projects, group activities, oral presen- of motion), gravity, energy and thermodynamics (energy, work,
tations, and field work. power and thermal energy), fluids, waves and sound, optics
(light and reflection), the atom and nuclear energy. The course
Honors Biology-Integrated strongly emphasizes student mastery of critical thinking skills
and Algebra II. The course provides an atmosphere which fos-
10th 1 year, 1 credit ters guided inquiry and student-centered learning.
Pre-AP Biology differs from standard Biology in that it is more Chemistry-Integrated
independently laboratory-centered and investigates in depth the 11th, 12th 1 year, 1 credit
major themes of Biological Science. The course will require writ- Prerequisite: Algebra I
ing assignments, online lab and investigations, as well as dis-
sections and projects. Critical thinking is key to this course and Chemistry I provides students with basic understanding of the
will be demonstrated in a variety of ways. composition, properties, and changes associated with matter.
Emphasis is placed on the scientific method, the basic laws and
AP Biology theories on matter, atomic structure, molecular bonding, the
study of solutions, reactions and their rates, equilibrium, ac-
11th, 12th 1 year, 1 credit ids/bases, and introduction to organic chemistry. Students are
Prerequisite Biology also involved in laboratory experiences that emphasize and
Pre– or Co-requisite: Chemistry I demonstrate chemical properties. Small-scale chemistry proce-
dures are used in laboratory exercises.
The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a
two-semester college introductory biology course, usually taken Honors Chemistry-Integrated
by biology majors during their first year. After showing them- 11th 1 year, 1 credit
selves to be qualified on the AP exam, some students, in their Pre/Co-requisite: Algebra II
first year of college, may be permitted to take upper-level cours-
es instead of first-level biology. Pre-AP Chemistry differs from standard Chemistry in that it is an
independent, laboratory-centered course that includes in-depth
Human Anatomy and Physiology investigation of the major themes of Chemistry. The course re-
quires writing assignments, online labs and investigations, as
well as independent projects. Critical thinking is key to this
11th, 12th 1 year, 1 credit
Prerequisite Biology course and will be assessed in a variety of ways.
Human Anatomy and Physiology is an in depth study of the
components of the human body. Students will gain an under- AP Chemistry
standing of the structure and function of the body systems in-
cluding skeletal, muscular, nervous, digestive, circulatory, res- 12th 1 year, 1 credit
piratory, reproductive, integumentary, urinary, lymphatic and Prerequisites: Chemistry or Pre-AP chemistry,
endocrine. In addition, students will study diseases, immune Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
complications, and human metabolism. Detailed dissection of
an advanced mammal is included. This course is recognized as The AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the
part of the Medical Professions Education tract. general Chemistry course in the 1 year of college. The curricu-
lum covers topics such as chemical equilibria, chemical kinetics,
thermodynamics, the structure of matter, electrochemistry and
the kinetic theory of gases. The course strongly emphasizes
student mastery of critical thinking skills and provides an atmos-
phere which fosters guided inquiry and student-centered learn-
ing. A summer assignment is required for this course. Contin-
ued outside reading and assignments require students to budget
several hours of time each week for homework.
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