Page 41 - MSD-CareerActionPlan2019-2020
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       Career Action Planning 2021-2022
       Fine Arts (continued)                                     Physical Education

       Art I                                                     Physical Education

       9th grade                                                        1 year, 1 credit
                                                                 8th grade                                                                   1 semester
       In  this course,  students  will  learn and apply  the  elements  of  art   9th grade                                                1 semester, 1/2 credit
       and the principles of design. Students are expected to use a varie-
       ty  of  media,  techniques,  processes,  and  tools  to  create  original   Physical education provides content and learning experiences in
       artwork  that  demonstrates  understanding  of  aesthetic  concerns   basic  motor  skills,  movement  patterns,  and  movement  concepts
       and complex compositions.                                 as  they  apply  to  physical  activity  and  health-related  physical  fit-
                                                                 ness, as well as lifetime sports and recreation.  A  uniform  is  re-
                                                                 quired and may be purchased from the P.E. teacher.

       Foreign Language                                          Health/Wellness (Digital)

       French I                                                  9th grade (required )                           1 semester, 1/2 credit

       9th grade                                                          1 year, 1 credit   This one-semester course provides content and learning experi-
       Highly Recommended:                   “C” or better in English   ences in nutrition, disease prevention, human growth and devel-
                                                                 opment,  decision-making  skills,  interpersonal  communication
       French  1  offers  students  opportunities  to  experience  listening,   skills,  and  information  regarding  the  use  and  abuse  of  medica-
       reading, writing, speaking and culture at a novice level. Students   tions, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The course emphasis  is
       will also learn basic communication skills. Topics covered in first-  on  personal  health  and  wellness  and  the  practice  of  health-
       year French include family, day and date information,  food and   enhancing behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks.
       meals, people and possessions, buying clothing and leisure time
       activities.  Students  will  explore  the  culture  of  the  Francophone   Athletics
       world through projects, reading and discussion of historical and
       current  events.  A  variety  of  oral  activities,  in-class  discussions
       and reading/writing tests are used to assess students’ progress.   8th grade                                                                          1 year
                                                                 9th grade                1 year, 1/2 pe credit & *1/2 local credit
       Spanish I                                                 Prerequisites:    Try-outs, physical exam, under the age of 16,
                                                                                maintain 2.0 GPA, and pass 3 of 4 core subjects.
       9th grade                                                          1 year, 1 credit
       Highly Recommended:                   “C” or better in English   Athletics  is  a  course  where  students  will  compete  on  an  inter-
                                                                 school  basis.  Students  must undergo physicals  yearly  and  must
       In  Spanish  I  introduces  the  sound  system,  basic  syntax,  basic   also be willing to spend extra time on a daily basis after school to
       vocabulary, and elementary inflectional endings of general Ameri-  practice.  Some  practices  will  also  be  scheduled  when  school  is
       can Spanish These elements are used in speaking, reading, writ-  not in session. Students must participate in these sports and activ-
       ing, and listening. Hispanic cultural heritage is also emphasized   ities related to these sports for the ENTIRE semester in order to
       with special attention given to Hispanic influences in the United   receive the Athletics credit.  If the sport is done after school or for
       States.  There  are  no  prerequisites  for  Spanish  I,  but  a  strong   only part of a semester, P.E. will have to be taken to satisfy the
       English background is beneficial.                         Physical Education requirement.

                                                                 These athletic courses are offered for 9th grade credit:

                                                                   Boys Football* (Practice begins in summer before school starts.)
       Other Elective                                              Boys & Girls Basketball*

                                                                   Girls Volleyball*
       Driver’s Education                                          Boys Baseball
                                                                   Girls Fast-pitch Softball
       9th grade                                              1 semester, 1/2 credit     Boys & Girls Cross Country*
       Prerequisites:           2.0 from previous grading semester     Boys & Girls Golf
                                                                   Boys & Girls Tennis
       VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE OR PERMIT                            Boys & Girls Soccer

       This  course  will  prepare students  to  drive safely,  learn  rules  of     Cheerleading*
       the  road,  apply  basic  driving  skills,  learn  vehicle  systems  and
       maintenance,  and  teach  students  what  to  do  in  emergencies.   Boys & Girls Track is offered but it  is an  after-school sport
       This course will also teach students how to read road maps, plan   and does not receive an earned credit.
       trips, recognize hazardous road conditions, and deal with social
       pressures such as drinking and driving.                   ***8th graders may participate in sports with an *asterisk.

                                                                 Students will earn 1/2 credit for each FULL semester of Ath-
                                                                 letics taken during the 9th grade only.  This credit will substi-
                                                                 tute for the P.E. requirement.  Do NOT take both Athletics and
                                                                 P.E.  for  credit.    Only  1/2  credit  can  count  toward  the  state-
                                                                 required number of credits (22).

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